I don't have any close friends, am anintroverted person but want to go on vacation this summer. I've saved up somemoney and decided to either visit a new country/city or just chill in awellness hotel somewhere.


When I casually told this my really extrovertedsister (who is 3 years older than me) she couldn't believe I'm doing such"old people" stuff as going to a wellness hotel alone. I didn'treally know what to say and now I'm very insecure about my plans :(

當(dāng)我無意間和我性格外向的姐姐(她比我大三歲)說到我的計(jì)劃時(shí),她簡直不敢相信 我要去做獨(dú)自住康養(yǎng)酒店這樣的“老年”活動(dòng)。我不知道要說什么而且現(xiàn)在我對(duì)自己的計(jì)劃很沒信心

Anybody can cheer me up?
