White supremacists claim that, if it weren''''''''t for white people, the world would still be living in the Stone Age. They also claim that white people brought enlightenment and the modern world we know of today. Is this true?
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White supremacists claim that, if it weren''t for white people, the world would still be living in the Stone Age. They also claim that white people brought enlightenment and the modern world we know of today. Is this true?
很贊 ( 6 )
That’s mostly bullshit.
While it is true that a lot of what we take for granted in terms of technological advances over the course of history came from people of European descent, it doesn’t follow that nobody else could have delivered those things, had the Euros not taken up colonialism and GENO.... when they did.
I’m of mostly European (Dutch, Scandihoovian) extraction, a first-generation American. My folks came to America in 1952, when my dad was eight. I could, if I believed in any of that stuff, call myself ‘a(chǎn)s white as it gets’, but I don’t, so I don’t.
In the American context, whiteness is solely a social construct, with fluid and arbitrary parameters and boundaries; not so long ago, when waves of Irish and Italians came to America as immigrants, they weren’t considered fully ‘white’[1] [2]even if they didn’t actually face the full extent of discrimination that people of Native American or African descent did.
在美國,白色僅僅是一種社會結(jié)構(gòu),具有流動的、任意的參數(shù)和邊界;不久前,當(dāng)大批愛爾蘭人和意大利人作為移民來到美國時, 即使他們并沒有真正面臨過土著美國人或非洲人后裔所遭受的全部歧視,但他們也并沒有被認為是完全的“白人”。
Given this history, it’s probably best to understand whiteness a bit less in terms of skin tone than in terms of belonging to (or passing for belonging to) the dominant social/political/cultural tribe, or at least not being noticeably affiliated with a group explicitly out of it. (tho as a matter of history, exceptions were readily made and not all of the exclusions Africans were subject to, like employment discrimination, violence, etc. were necessarily applied to them)
So okay, if you take up this fluid definition of whiteness and wipe off the Italians and Irish and Jews (and the Arabs, everyone from Asia, Africa, Australia, or the Americas) and every other social or ethnic underdog off the list of contributors to modern greatness, you more or less exclude a sizeable chunk of human progress.
Without Jews, you don’t get Nuclear power or much of Quantum physics (Einstein, Oppenheimer, Heisenberg… more). Without Arabs or semitic peoples, you don’t get decimal number systems or algebra, and Newton wouldn’t have had that to work with to figure out his calculus. Huge portions of modern theoretical physics and engineering owe their successes to the maths developed by long-dead, non-European people.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
So, even though many of the great technological breakthroughs of the Enlightenment are the fruits of much genius and labor on the part of Europeans, it’s relevant to the question to see all that in the context of the moral disaster that was European colonialism. It’s true that Europe contributed Newton, Liebeniz, Van Leowenhoek, Pasteur, Darwin, and more to posterity, but it’s also relevant to note the atrocities on the other side of the ledger. We also ought to account for our Adolf Hitlers, our Joseph Stalins, our Leopold II of Belgiums, the GENO.... of indigenous peoples, and for the historical problems that plague us to this day as a consequence.
Yes, Euro folks are credited with a lot of progress, and rightly so. But we didn’t accomplish all of it by ourselves, or without making enormous messes and creating huge collateral problems, which are conveniently assigned to their victims by the same writers of history that credit Europeans for their pluck, ingenuity, and historical dominance.
Adrian Lee Magill, Video Company President/Artist BA SFU, VFS (diploma), Author
Here are a few things white supremacists need to consider (note I did not say think about because that would be asking too much of them.):
印度首先發(fā)明了犁、冶金技術(shù)、J Sharp和Jojo編程語言、洗發(fā)水和微波通信。印度發(fā)明和發(fā)現(xiàn)清單-維基百科
(譯注:J Sharp和Kojo是編程語言)
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
Madame C.J. Walker - The first African American millionaire and entrepreneur/philanthropist: Created beauty products
George Alcorn: Inventor of the Imaging X Ray Spectrometer
Benjamin Banneker: Made America’s first clock
Dr. Patricia Bath: Invented the Laserphaco probe for eye surgery
Otis Boykin: Invented a resistor that was used in pacemakers, computer components and other items used in everyday life.
I could go on, but it occurs to me that white supremacists are not accustomed to this much written word and three of their five brain cells might just go into meltdown if I continue.
To the rest of us I will state the obvious: We are all on this planet together and each of us, regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexual or gender orientation, have something to offer that is no better or worse than what the next person is sharing. No matter who you are, if you have the courage to share what you have with the world, we all owe you a debt of thanks.
I hope this helps.
Tim Holmes
“The world would still be living in the Stone Age.”
Possible, but hardly likely and certainly not ‘would still be’ in a blanket statement. At best this is a an extreme Trans-cultural diffusion - Wikipedia adherent philosophical position, here of an extreme chauvinist. First thing you would have to take the position of white being caucasian (many caucasians hardly look white, but their body structures are within the grouping).
Also I recall that in the Japanese island of Kyushu, there were large fishing villages of perhaps 10,000 people some 10,000 years ago. Many advancements did come from Far East (Asia), so it stands that they would have eventually developed metal tools without any European contributions. Certainly the population mass was enough and many domesticated animals are also from there (unlike in the Americas).
A caucasian is not skin color, but body type and characteristics of which skin color is but one of many parts. Besides, it would be brain issues that are the important part, and we have little clear knowledge of that aspect in any professional way. And we are talking about nearly half the human race if you use the larger sense. One could easily say it was all chance.
Much by chance, most white people have had a winning lottery ticket compared to other groups over the last 500 years. This is despite all sorts of calamities, and as a general rule alone of reproduction and with the time/ability to do interesting things with their domains. Supremacists seem to know nothing of such beginnings and care not. I care to avoid them.
In short, they seem to be saying to themselves ‘White people developed great things. I am white. Therefore I am responsible for those great things.” Most people I know would think this is an argument of an idiot, or at least some one who shows those tendencies.
Then they do actions, like to greatly tend not read classics or think in a balanced and fair way, which are directly opposite of the great awakenings of the last 500 years. In my experience those who claim such have very backwards habits completely opposed to how whites came to dominate the modern world.*
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
(For those of you outside the US or Europe, the last cell is of a Native American, whose ancestors arrived at least 13,000 years ago. Come to think of it, so did most of the Mexican immigrant ancestry via passing by what became the US.)
(譯注:多面手指多才多藝,知識淵博,出類拔萃之人。)(譯注:IMO,Imo。網(wǎng)絡(luò)用語,是In my opinion的縮寫,意思是在我看來,事實上這個詞通常是論壇掐架的開始,它的變體有Imho,In my humble opinion,大有“區(qū)區(qū)在下不才,對這個問題是如此看的,閣下若有高見,盡請說來”的意思。)
至上主義者怎么敢承認這一點。傳統(tǒng)上,科技界人士是最極端的,因為他們是一些最不注重部落/種族的人。他們也傾向于關(guān)注所選領(lǐng)域的能力,而不是信條。當(dāng)然,由于這些都是個人,但這證明有例外,例如william shockley維基百科,在所提出的主題問題中沒有統(tǒng)計相關(guān)性。他們把獨立的思想自由和選擇性地追求教條混為一談。
(譯注: William Shockley - Wikipedia,:威廉·布拉德福德·肖克利(1910年2月13日至1989年8月12日)是美國物理學(xué)家和發(fā)明家。肖克利是貝爾實驗室一個研究小組的經(jīng)理,該小組成員包括約翰·巴丁和沃爾特·布拉坦。這三位科學(xué)家因“對半導(dǎo)體的研究和對晶體管效應(yīng)的發(fā)現(xiàn)”共同獲得1956年諾貝爾物理學(xué)獎。
Jake Williams(杰克·威廉姆斯,譯注:這位答主,高大6K贊,所有答題最高贊)
Gunpowder, paper, flamethrowers, the rowing oar
Gas cylinders, hand grenade, fireworks, and drilling bore
Dominos, mahjong, Go, and more games fine
Crossbows, merits, and the land mine
Seismometers, cast iron, horse and cart
Stir frying, tea, toilet paper, the rope dart
Nail polish, incense, things not minor
All these invented inside China
Now you know what we all knew
That crazy statement is not true
And I tell you this all in verse
Because otherwise I''''''''''''''''d just fucking curse
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處