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Many rural Indians shower outside in the fields near their houses, and when I''m staying in a village in India, I do too. I''ll show you how Indian villagers shower in the fields next to a tap or a well. Showering outside isn''t for the faint-hearted, but it sure feels fantastic showering in nature under the sun.


In this video, I accidentally call a well "maut" in Hindi, which means "death." I meant "kua." But I was thinking about "Maut ka kua," which means the "Well of death." Hindi Fail

在這個視頻中,我不小心把印地語的“水井”說成了“maut”,它的意思是“死亡”,我想說的是“kua”。但是我當時想起了“Maut ka kua” ,意思是“死亡之井”。印地語運用失敗。