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The Australian government recently released a list of documented thylacine—also known as the Tasmanian tiger or Tasmanian wolf—sightings.


The thylacine was thought to be extinct for the past eight decades and has yet to be officially spotted since the last one in captivity died in the early 1930s.


If the sightings are indeed accurate, then thylacines can add another skill to their résumés: masters of mystery and concealment considering that the last known living Tasmanian tiger died in captivity in the fall of 1936.


Native to the island state of Tasmania, thylacines have earned near mythical status as they remain to be officially documented but are constantly being seen by Tasmanian locals and visitors alike.

袋狼原產于塔斯馬尼亞島州,已經贏得了近乎神話般的地位,因為它們依然沒有被正式記錄,卻一直不斷地被塔斯馬尼亞島的當?shù)厝撕陀慰椭惖哪繐舻健?br />
Thylacines look like a mix between a large cat and medium sized dog with fur that varies between a yellowish tan and plain brown. The creatures are carnivores with strong jaws and both males and females have a pouch in which they hold their babies, like other marsupials like the kangaroo.


Although there is no official reason for the extinction of the thylacine, it''s likely that their numbers dwindled after being extensively hunted by humans and dealing with increased competition from a growing dingo population.


If it turns out that thylacines actually have gone extinct, there''s still hope for those who wish to see one; the Australian Museum replicated thylacine DNA back in 2002, making it potentially possible to bring the mysterious creature back to life.
