原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:zzz9066 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Huawei has beaten Apple and Samsung to secure another top rating for one of its flagship smartphones.


DXOMark, an independent reviewer known for rating the photographic capabilities of smartphones, described the Huawei Mate 20 X as a ''''multimedia powerhouse'''' after it topped rankings for audio performance in its latest tests.

DXOMark是一名以對智能手機的照相能力進行評級而聞名的獨立評論網(wǎng)站。該公司稱華為Mate 20x是一部“多媒體巨頭”,因為它在最新的測試中在音頻性能方面名列前茅。

Scoring 75 for overall audio quality, the Huawei Mate 20 X beat Apple''''s iPhone XS Max, as well as Samsung’s Galaxy S10+ and Note 10+.

華為Mate 20x的音質(zhì)總分為75分,擊敗了蘋果的iPhone XS Max、三星的Galaxy S10+和Note 10+。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

''''The Huawei Mate 20 X is the top scorer in our Audio tests of all the devices we’ve tested thus far, with its Overall score of 75 besting Samsung’s S10+ by ten points and the Note 10+ by 9,'''' DXOMark said.

DXOMark說,在我們迄今測試的所有設(shè)備中,華為Mate 20x在音頻測試中得分最高,總分為75分,比三星S10+高出10分,比Note 10+高出9分。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

''''It is also the only Android phone we’ve tested that scored above Apple’s large-screen iPhone XS Max - although only by one point.

“這也是我們測試過的唯一一款得分比蘋果的大屏幕iPhone XS Max還高的安卓手機,盡管只高了1分?!?/b>

''''The Mate 20 X did particularly well when playing back movies and music, achieving a substantially higher score for those use cases than any of the other phones we have tested.

“Mate 20x在播放電影和音樂時表現(xiàn)得特別好,在這些用例中獲得的分?jǐn)?shù)遠遠高于我們測試過的任何其他手機?!?/b>

''''While still the top scorer among the Android devices we tested, its performance while gaming was less stellar, and behind both the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone 11 Pro Max.''''

“盡管在我們測試的安卓設(shè)備中,它仍然是得分最高的,但它在游戲方面的表現(xiàn)就沒那么出色了,落后于iPhone XS Max和iPhone 11 Pro Max?!?/b>

To determine the scores, DXOMark''''s engineers performed a variety of obxtive tests, and undertook more than 20 hours of perceptual uation under controlled lab conditions.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

They said the Mate 20 X performed well for both ''''playback'''' and ''''recording'''', achieving top marks for tonal reproduction and excellent sound dynamics.

他們說,Mate 20x在“播放”和“錄制”兩方面表現(xiàn)都很好,在調(diào)性再現(xiàn)和出色的聲音動力學(xué)方面取得了高分。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

The news comes after another Huawei phone, the Mate 30 Pro - which is yet to be released outside of China due to issues with the U.S. government and spying allegations - was awarded best camera phone by DXOMark earlier this year.

這一消息是在華為的另一款手機Mate 30 Pro獲得DXOMark今年早些時候頒發(fā)的最佳攝像手機獎之后傳出的。Mate 30 Pro由于與美國政府的糾紛和間諜指控,尚未在中國境外發(fā)布。

The Mate 30 Pro scored a massively high 121 in tests - easily beating the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, which scored 117, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G, which also scored 117.

Mate 30 Pro在測試中獲得了121分的高分,輕松擊敗了獲得117分的蘋果iPhone 11 Pro Max和同樣獲得117分的三星Galaxy Note 10+ 5G。

The phone''''s camera capabilities were only equalled by the Xiaomi Mi CC9 Pro Premium - but it scored the highest overall rating.

這款手機的拍照功能只有小米Mi CC9 Pro Premium版能與之匹敵,但它的綜合評分最高。

In ''''selfie'''' tests the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G camera came out on top followed by the Asus ZenFone 6.

在“自拍”測試中,三星Galaxy Note 10+ 5G相機拔得頭籌,華碩ZenFone 6緊隨其后。

The newly devised audio tests have not yet been used on the Mate 30 Pro.

新設(shè)計的音頻測試尚未在Mate 30 Pro上使用。

Luckily for U.S. tech lovers looking to get hold of the top audio rated phone, the Mate 20 X is available worldwide.

對于希望得到最高音頻評級手機的美國技術(shù)愛好者來說幸運的是,Mate 20x是全球可用的。

But for those outside of China looking to get hold of the Huawei Mate 30 Pro for its incredible camera, you may be waiting quite some time.

但對于那些希望獲得華為Mate 30 Pro的中國境外買家來說,你可能要等很長時間。