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Malini Bhat
Yes they do.
There is a shloka which describes the benefits of Cow urine:
which means
Cow urine is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It removes all blood disorders. It balances bile, mucous and airs and is a remover of heart diseases and effect of poison.
Having said that:
We do not drink it everyday but only on a few occasions.

是的,印度徒們的確有喝。有一本書描述了牛尿的好處: 這意味著牛尿是偉大的長生不老藥,適當(dāng)?shù)娘嬍?,?huì)令人心曠神怡。牛尿是精神和體力的助添劑,可以提高人的壽命。它能消除所有的血液紊亂,平衡膽汁,粘液和空氣,有著清除心臟疾病和毒物的作用。話雖如此,我們并不是每天都喝,只是偶爾喝喝。

Sambit Dash
I cannot speak for all hindus since there are nearly a billion of them but as far as my family goes and the people i know and inter act no one does that. Now there may be some people who do but i don’t know them. India is a large country with different traditions in different places and as hindus there is a lot of different views regarding each subject. Now to assume the entire hindu community drinks urine is a sweeping generalization and lack of perspective and frankly dumb on the part of person who asked the question.On my part since it is scientifically proven that cow’s milk contains essential nutrients for humans so i drink it now if similar scientific research proves that cow’s urine contains anti cancer or any life saving properties i may consider drinking it but as a last resort.

我不能代表所有印度教徒,因?yàn)橛《扔薪畠|人,但就我的家人和我認(rèn)識的人而言,沒有人這樣做。 現(xiàn)在可能有一些人喝但我不認(rèn)識他們。 印度是一個(gè)大國,在不同的地方有著不同的傳統(tǒng),作為印度教徒,對每一個(gè)主題都有很多不同的看法。 現(xiàn)在,假設(shè)整個(gè)印度教社區(qū)都喝尿液,這是一種籠統(tǒng)的概括,缺乏洞察力,而且提出這個(gè)問題的人坦率地說是愚蠢的。就我而言,既然科學(xué)證明牛奶含有人類必需的營養(yǎng)成分,所以我現(xiàn)在就在喝它。如果類似的科學(xué)研究證明牛奶含有抗癌或任何救命的成分,我也可能會(huì)考慮喝它,但這是最后的選擇。

Vijay Bhardwaj,
I am a Hindu guy and i have Masters in computer science.I drink cow urine daily.I know lots of benefits of it and it is perfect medicine to improve immunity power.It works on old sinus problems, allergic cold and cough.Also I have observed that cow urine with turmeric works on old wounds of diabetic patient.
