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''''Sydney is angry'''': Protesters march to demand urgent action on climate change


(Thousands of protesters gathered at Town Hall on Wednesday.CREDIT:WOLTER PEETERS)


An estimated 20,000 protesters marched from Town Hall to Hyde Park on Wednesday evening, taking over George Street to demand stronger climate action as bushfires continue to rage across the state.


The event, titled "NSW is Burning, Sydney is Choking - Climate Emergency Rally!", was swiftly set up on Facebook last week by Extinction Rebellion, Uni Students for Climate Justice, and Greens MP David Shoebridge, in response to horrendous air conditions and ongoing bushfires across the state.


Buses were diverted away from Elizabeth Street and Park Street because of the march, with some buses delayed by up to 30 minutes and more than 60 routes affected.


High school student Amy Lamont addressed the thousands of protesters wearing P2 face masks and said: "The reality is these fires will be around all summer."


"The rage we all rightly feel right now needs to grow if we have any chance of actually challenging that destruction of the status quo that is burning around us," she said.


"Only we, the majority, have the ability to hold the rich and political elites in this country accountable.


"Students shouldn''''t have to worry when going to school that they might come back to a burnt home."

“學(xué)生們?cè)谏蠈W(xué)時(shí)不應(yīng)該擔(dān)心他們可能會(huì)回到一個(gè)被燒毀的家?!?br />
David Whitson has been attending protests dressed as a koala since October.


"When you talk about silent Australians, I don’t think of anything more silent than our beloved flora and fauna," he said.

他說(shuō):“當(dāng)你說(shuō)起沉默的澳大利亞人時(shí),我想不出有什么比我們心愛(ài)的動(dòng)植物更沉默的了?!?br />

NSW Fire and Rescue firefighter Monte Partridge, who finished his shift at 6.30am on Wednesday morning, joined the march because "not enough is being done".


"The city was choking in smoke yesterday, we are understaffed, our rivers are dry or poisoned and we’re not getting too much from the government," he said.

他表示:“這座城市昨天被濃煙嗆得喘不過(guò)氣來(lái),我們?nèi)耸植蛔?,我們的河流或干涸或有毒,我們從政府得到的幫助也不多?!?br />