In a case of huge negligence, 12 children were given sanitiser instead of oral polio vaccine in a village in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra, about 700 km from state capital Mumbai, an official said on Monday. The affected children, all below 5 years of age, were admitted to a government hospital, where their condition is said to be stable, the district official said, adding that three healthcare workers will face action for the lapse.


Yavatmal Zilla Parishad CEO Shrikrishna Panchal said the were given two drops of sanitiser in place of polio drops. Subsequently, one of the children complained of vomiting and uneasiness, he said.

Yavatmal Zilla Parishad醫(yī)院的CEO Shrikrishna Panchal說(shuō),兩滴消毒液被當(dāng)成了小兒麻痹癥藥劑。他說(shuō),隨后其中一名兒童出現(xiàn)嘔吐和不安癥狀。

All the children who were given sanitiser drops were administered polio drops and admitted to the Government Medical College in Yavatmal, Mr. Panchal said.


Their condition is stable and they are under observation, he said.


He said as per preliminary information, three healthcare workers — a doctor, anganwadi sevika and an ASHA volunteer — were present at the PHC at the time of the incident.


“An inquiry is underway and orders will be issued to suspend all the three healthcare workers,” Mr. Panchal said.


Meanwhile, another official said the incident came to light when the village sarpanch checked the drops and found them to be hand sanitiser and not polio doses.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

After the incident, parents in the area are under fear and have demanded action against the persons responsible for the shocking lapse.


Yavatmal Collector M.D. Singh visited the hospital and enquired about the condition of the children, the official said.

這位官員說(shuō),亞瓦特馬爾的稅務(wù)官M(fèi).D. Singh曾前往這家醫(yī)院,并詢問(wèn)了那些兒童們的情況。