YouTube’s TikTok clone, “YouTube Shorts,” is live in the US


US users can now upload and view one-minute videos in a swipe interface.
RON AMADEO - 3/2/2021, 3:06 AM


YouTube's clone of TikTok, "YouTube Shorts," is rolling out to the US as we speak. The feature launched in India this September and was first spotted on US devices by XDA Developers. Just like TikTok, Shorts lets users make and share bite-sized, one-minute videos, and users can swipe between them on the mobile app.

抖音短視頻的油管克隆版有關(guān)短視頻 "YouTube Shorts"正在美國推出。該功能于今年9月在印度推出,并由XDA Developers首次在美國設(shè)備上發(fā)現(xiàn)。和抖音一樣,油管短視頻可以讓用戶制作和分享一分鐘大小的視頻,用戶可以在移動應(yīng)用上滑動它們。

The YouTube Shorts section shows up on the mobile apps section of the YouTube home screen and for now has a "beta" label. It works exactly like TikTok, launching a full-screen vertical video interface, and users can swipe vertically between videos. As you'd expect, you can like, dislike, comment on, and share a short. You can also tap on a user name from the Shorts interface to see all the shorts from that user. The YouTube twist is that shorts are also regular YouTube videos and show up on traditional channel pages and in subscxtion feeds, where they are indistinguishable from normal videos. They have the normal YouTube interface instead of the swipey TikTok interface. This appears to be the only way to view these videos on desktop.

有關(guān)短視頻部分顯示在油管主屏幕的移動應(yīng)用部分,目前有一個 "測試版 "標(biāo)簽。它的工作原理和抖音一模一樣,推出了全屏垂直視頻界面,用戶可以在視頻之間垂直滑動。正如你所期望的那樣,你可以喜歡、不喜歡、評論和分享一個短視頻。你還可以在短視頻界面點擊一個用戶名,查看該用戶的所有短視頻。油管短視頻的變化在于,短片也是常規(guī)的油管視頻,并顯示在傳統(tǒng)頻道頁面和訂閱源中,它們與普通視頻沒有區(qū)別。它們擁有正常的油管界面,而不是刷屏的抖音界面。這似乎是在桌面上觀看這些視頻的唯一方式。

A big part of TikTok is the video editor, which allows users to make videos with tons of effects, music, filters, and variable playback speeds that contribute to the signature TikTok video style. The YouTube Shorts editor seems nearly featureless in comparison, offering only speed options and some music.
TikTok only has ~40 million users in the US, but worldwide, it's expected to hit 1 billion users in 2021, according to App Annie. The majority of those users are from TikTok's native country of China, where there are 400 million daily active users.

根據(jù)App Annie的數(shù)據(jù),抖音在美國只有約4000萬用戶,但在全球范圍內(nèi),預(yù)計2021年將達到10億用戶。其中大部分用戶來自抖音的祖國中國,中國有4億日活躍用戶。

YouTube is the world's biggest video platform, and the site's go-to plan for swatting down upstart competitors with a new video format is almost always to clone them. YouTube most famously did this in 2015 when it launched YouTube Gaming, a livestream gaming platform in the vein of Amazon's The standalone YouTube Gaming interface was shut down after four years, but the livestreaming and chat features caught on with several different communities, and there is still a small live-gaming community on YouTube. In 2017, YouTube set its photocopiers loose on Snapchat and created YouTube Stories (originally launched as "YouTube Reels"), which let channels create short upxe videos that disappear after seven days. Now it's targeting TikTok with these one-minute videos. Facebook has also gone after TikTok with Instagram Reels.

油管是世界上最大的視頻平臺,該網(wǎng)站用新的視頻形式來掃蕩新晉競爭者的首選計劃幾乎就是克隆他們。油管最著名的做法是在2015年推出了油管游戲頻道,這是一個與亞馬遜的Twitch.tv一脈相承的游戲直播平臺。獨立的油管游戲界面在4年后被關(guān)閉,但直播和聊天功能卻在幾個不同的社區(qū)中流行起來,目前油管上仍有一個小型的游戲直播社區(qū)。2017年,油管在Snapchat上放出了復(fù)印機,并創(chuàng)建了油管故事頻道(最初推出的是 "YouTube Reels"),讓頻道創(chuàng)建更新短視頻,7天后消失?,F(xiàn)在它的目標(biāo)是抖音了,抄襲這些一分鐘的視頻。非死不可也抄襲抖音,搞起了Instagram Reels。

YouTube Shorts first launched in India in September—a smart move, since TikTok has been banned in India since June. With no competition from the incumbent in India, YouTube Shorts has taken off in the country, with YouTube recently announcing Shorts was getting "more than 3.5 billion daily views." TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, and that earned it (and 100+ other Chinese services) a ban in India. TikTok was under attack from the Trump administration, too, and for a time we were expecting it to be purchased by Oracle. After losing the election, the Trump administration lost interest in TikTok, and now it seems that the company will be able to continue operating in the US.

油管短視頻于9月首次在印度推出--這是一個明智之舉,因為抖音自6月起在印度被禁止。由于在印度沒有現(xiàn)成的競爭者,油管短視頻在印度已經(jīng)起飛,油管最近宣布其短視頻的 "日瀏覽量超過35億次"。抖音由中國公司字節(jié)跳動擁有,這讓它(以及其他100多個中國服務(wù))在印度遭到了禁令。抖音也受到了特朗普政府的攻擊,我們一度期待它能被甲骨文收購。輸?shù)舸筮x后,特朗普政府對抖音失去了興趣,現(xiàn)在看來,這家公司將能夠繼續(xù)在美國運營。