As a tangible symbol of a nation’s identity, banknotes are a window into history—from South Africa’s reckoning with apartheid to the challenges of building a unified country after Bosnia’s civil war.




Emblazoned with mottos, emblems, and historical imagery, money is one of the most tangible symbols of a nation’s identity. As that identity evolves, so too does the design of the country’s coins and banknotes—and the process can be fraught.


That has been the case in the United States with a plan to make abolitionist Harriet Tubman the face of the $20 bill, replacing former U.S. President Andrew Jackson. Although the U.S. Treasury had hoped to issue the design in time for the women’s suffrage centennial in 2020, the plan languished under President Donald Trump, who had criticized it as “political correctness.” Now, however, the Biden administration has announced it will move forward with the redesign.

美國的情況就是如此,那時(shí)候有一項(xiàng)用廢奴主義者哈里特.塔布曼代替美國前總統(tǒng)安德魯.杰克遜印制20美元紙幣的計(jì)劃。雖然美國財(cái)政部曾希望在2020年婦女選舉權(quán)100周年紀(jì)念時(shí)發(fā)布這一設(shè)計(jì),但在唐納德·特朗普總統(tǒng)的任期內(nèi),這一計(jì)劃被擱置,因?yàn)樗u(píng)這是“政治正確”行為。 然而現(xiàn)在,拜登政府又宣布將重新推進(jìn)這一設(shè)計(jì)。

But how do countries determine whose portraits to feature on their currency, and what does it tell us about their pasts? Here’s a look at banknotes from around the world and the stories behind their creation—from the delicate negotiations to create a Bosnian currency in the wake of civil war, to the nations that have used their currency as a way to move on from colonialism and reckon with racist pasts.

但是,國家是如何決定將誰的肖像印在貨幣上的呢?這些肖像又告訴了我們有關(guān)它們的過去的什么信息呢? 下面我們來看看世界各地的紙幣以及它們被創(chuàng)造的背后的故事,從內(nèi)戰(zhàn)后波斯尼亞貨幣的微妙談判,到那些將貨幣作為擺脫殖民主義和種族主義歷史的一種方式的國家,他們的歷史都體現(xiàn)在了貨幣上。

Many countries use their banknotes as a way to honor their earliest leaders. Seewoosagur Ramgoolam led the movement to end British colonial rule in Mauritius. In 1968, he became the country’s first prime minister and now appears on its 2000-rupee note.


Celebrated as the “father of the nation,” Michael Somare was a politician who led the push for Papua New Guinea’s 1975 independence from Australia. Somare, who now appears on the 50-kina note, was the country’s first and longest-serving prime minister.


United States
In 1866, controversy erupted when the U.S. Treasury issued a five-cent note bearing the portrait of Spencer Clark, the first chief of what is now known as the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. Clark was not well liked by some members of Congress, who had accused him years earlier of fraud and “gross immorality.” (A Congressional committee dismissed the charges.)


Following public outcry, Congress passed a law on April 7, 1866, which prohibited depicting the “portrait or likeness of any living person” on the country’s currency. U.S. law still prohibits using the likeness of living people today, and even commemorative coins honoring a past president cannot be issued until two years after the president’s death.

在公眾的強(qiáng)烈抗議下,國會(huì)于1866年4月7日通過了一項(xiàng)法律,禁止在國家貨幣上描繪“任何在世的人的肖像”。 直到今天,美國法律仍然禁止使用活人的肖像,甚至紀(jì)念前任總統(tǒng)的紀(jì)念幣也要在總統(tǒng)去世兩年后才能發(fā)行。

In the modern era, the country has mainly celebrated past presidents and Founding Fathers on its currency—with portraits of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Ulysses S. Grant, and Benjamin Franklin gracing its banknotes.


Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s banknotes bear the images of the country’s famous writers, but that decision was driven more by conflict avoidance than literary admiration. In 1995, the Dayton Accords brought an end to years of civil war in Bosnia and created a single state with two parts, the Serb Republic and the Croat-Bosniak Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Similarly, the new nation would have a single currency, the Bosnian convertible mark, but would issue two versions of each denomination to reflect the cultural identity of each side. The banknotes still had to be cohesive, however, and initial submissions were rejected for violating that requirement—including one controversial design featuring Serb hero Gavrilo Princip, famous for setting off World War I by assassinating Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


Debates over banknote design dragged on for so long that the bank had to issue coupons instead when it opened in 1997, according to U.S. economist Warren Coats, who helped establish the bank. Ultimately, the two sides agreed on using portraits of writers—and even found some common ground as both sexted novelist Me?a Selimovi? for their five-mark notes. That note has since been discontinued, but in 2002, the country created a new 200-mark note featuring the Nobel Prize-winning writer Ivo Andric.


New Zealand


New Zealand’s banknote design has been “an unintentional litmus test of New Zealand’s evolving self-image” ever since it began issuing currency in 1934, according to historian Matthew Wright. The British dominion’s first banknotes reflected a split identity, bearing both British and local motifs. The earliest series bore a portrait of Māori King Tawhaio, whose image was replaced in 1940 with Captain James Cook, the British explorer who “discovered” New Zealand.

歷史學(xué)家馬修·賴特表示,自1934年新西蘭開始發(fā)行紙幣以來,其紙幣設(shè)計(jì)一直是“對(duì)新西蘭不斷演變的自我形象的一次次無意識(shí)的試金石”。 英國自治領(lǐng)的首批紙幣既有英國的圖案,也有地方的圖案,這反映了一種分裂的身份。最早的系列是毛利族拓哈鷗(Tawhaio)國王的肖像,1940年,他的肖像被“發(fā)現(xiàn)”新西蘭的英國探險(xiǎn)家詹姆斯·錨點(diǎn)庫克船長取代。

New Zealand became a self-governing nation in 1947—yet in 1967, more than 20 years later, it was still proud of its association with Britain. Queen Elizabeth II displaced Cook on all denominations, alongside indigenous plants and birds.


By the late 20th century, however, New Zealand had begun to think of itself as a diverse and sovereign nation. In 1991, five years after winning full legal independence from Britain, New Zealand removed the Queen from all but its $20 bill and replaced her with prominent New Zealanders—including women’s suffrage leader Kate Shepperd, mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary, Māori political and cultural leader Sir Apirana Ngata, and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ernest Rutherford—who still grace the banknotes today.


South Africa

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

Like New Zealand, the evolution of South Africa’s banknotes reflects the country’s reckoning with its colonial history. In 1961, it issued its first banknotes after gaining independence from Great Britain. In tribute to its colonial beginnings, however, each bill bore a portrait of Jan van Riebeeck, a Dutch explorer who in 1652 founded the trading station that would become Cape Town


Van Riebeeck remained the face of the nation’s currency for three decades. In 1992, however, as South Africa grappled with dismantling its racist apartheid system, he was finally replaced with its iconic “big five” animals—the rhinoceros, elephant, lion, Cape buffalo, and leopard—that were deemed more representative of (and acceptable to) South Africans.


Twenty years later, South Africa made another big change. In 2012, the country unveiled new banknotes featuring the country’s first Black president and anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela. “A country’s currency is a fundamental component of its national identity,” said South African Reserve Bank Governor Gill Marcus, explaining that the new design “reflects South Africa’s pride as a nation.” Mandela remains the face of South African currency—and in 2018 the country even issued a commemorative series of banknotes depicting scenes from Mandela’s life to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth.

二十年后,南非又發(fā)生了另一個(gè)重大變化。2012年,南非推出了印有南非首位黑人總統(tǒng)、反種族隔離活動(dòng)家納爾遜·曼德拉頭像的新紙幣。南非儲(chǔ)備銀行行長吉爾·馬庫斯說:“一個(gè)國家的貨幣是其國家身份的一個(gè)基本組成部分?!彼忉屨f,新設(shè)計(jì)“反映了南非作為一個(gè)國家的自豪感。” 曼德拉目前仍然是南非貨幣的形象,2018年,該國甚至發(fā)行了一系列描繪曼德拉生活場(chǎng)景的紀(jì)念鈔票,以慶祝他誕辰100周年。



Mongolia traces its monetary history to the 13th-century rule of Genghis Khan. He transformed the nation from a pastoral economy to a global powerhouse, creating the largest contiguous empire in history. Although Genghis Khan introduced gold and silver coins to the empire, it would be his grandson, Kublai Khan, who would widely implement paper money.


Mongolia has kept things relatively simple with just two prominent figures on its banknotes: its famous ancient ruler Genghis Khan, and revolutionary hero Damdin Sükhbaatar.


A portrait of Sükhbaatar first graced the country’s banknotes in 1939, commemorating his role in establishing the rule of the People’s Republic of Mongolia. The war hero would continue to dominate the currency for more than 50 years, until democracy swept Mongolia in the 1990s. Since 1993, Genghis Khan has been featured on the highest-value bills—from 500 to 20,000 togrogs—while Sükhbaatar still appears on smaller denominations.


Dominican Republic


The Dominican Republic’s 200-peso note pays homage to three sisters who organized a resistance movement against dictator Rafael Trujillo—and whose murder kicked off a revolution.


After rising to power in 1930, Trujillo ruthlessly ruled over the Dominican Republic. He imprisoned, tortured, or murdered anyone who spoke out against him. In the 1950s, the Mirabal sisters—Patria, Minerva, and María Teresa—became leaders in the resistance movement that sought to end the brutal regime. Trujillo repeatedly arrested and imprisoned them before ultimately ordering their assassination on November 25, 1960.


Trujillo’s regime ended a year later with his assassination, but it would be decades before the government embraced the Mirabel sisters (also known as Las Mariposas, or the butterflies) as national heroes. Although they briefly graced a 25-centavo coin in the 1980s, the Mirabel sisters became the face of the 200-peso note in 2007. The UN has also designated the date of their murder as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
