An Indian politician has remarked that women wearing ripped jeans cannot provide the right environment at home.


Uttarakhand’s newly appointed Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat has debuted his new role with controversial comments on women wearing ripped jeans. Rawat made the comments on Tuesday at a workshop organized by the Uttarakhand State Commission for Protection of Child Rights in Dehradun. He said he was shocked to see a woman running an NGO in ripped jeans, and was concerned about the example she was setting for society.


"If this kind of woman goes out in the society to meet people and solve their problems, what kind of message are we giving out to society, to our kids? It all starts at home. What we do, our kids follow. A child who is taught the right culture at home, no matter how modern he becomes, will never fail in life," said the Chief Minister.


Rawat also expressed his dislike for ‘bare knees’, and bemoaned the fact that while the west followed India''s yoga and covering their body, "we run towards nudity."


"Kaynchi se sanskaar (culture by scissors) - showing bare knees, wearing ripped denim and looking like rich kids - these are the values being given now. Where is this coming from, if not at home? What is the fault of teachers or schools? Where am I taking my son, showing his knees and in tattered jeans? Girls are no less, showing their knees. Is this good," he said.


Rawat’s new minister, Ganesh Joshi, also doubled down on his comments. He suggested that women should prioritize raising good children over fashion.

拉瓦特的新部長Ganesh Joshi也進一步強調(diào)了他的言論。他建議女性應該把培養(yǎng)好孩子放在追求時尚之上。

"Women talk about all things they want to do in life, but the most important thing for them is to look after their family and children," he said.

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Rawat’s comments are being met with a massive backlash in India. Opposition leaders and Congress members specifically have taken to social media to criticize his comments.


Among the first to react to the Uttarakhand Chief Minister''s views was Congress leader Sanjay Jha.


"Wearing "#rippedjeans" destroys our culture, it seems. It leads to substance abuse. And a societal breakdown. Women should strictly avoid this sacrilege against our pristine customs, says Uttarakhand CM. Dear BJP, this is your CM Tirath Singh Rawat: Do you endorse this," Jha posted.


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