Eight people have been killed and many injured in a shooting in the US city of Indianapolis, police say.Witnesses heard several gunshots at a FedEx facility and one said he saw a man firing an automatic weapon.Ms Cook said the motive for the killing was unclear.


The gunman, said to have been acting alone, is reported to have killed himself. Police say several of the injured have been taken to hospital. Flights from the nearby airport are not affected.Local media quoted FedEx worker Jeremiah Miller as saying he had seen the gunman firing."I saw a man with a sub-machine gun of some sort, an automatic rifle, and he was firing in the open. I immediately ducked down and got scared," he said.

據(jù)報道,這名槍手是單獨行動的,他已經(jīng)自殺身亡。警方說,傷者已被送往醫(yī)院,附近機場的航班沒有受到影響。當?shù)孛襟w援引聯(lián)邦快遞員工耶利米 · 米勒的話說,他看到槍手開槍?!拔铱匆娨粋€男人拿著一把沖鋒槍,一把自動步槍,他在戶外開火。我馬上蹲下來,我嚇壞了”他說。另一名目擊者稱:一個家伙從后備箱里掏出一把槍走了過去。人們開車離開,然后他開始朝開走的車開槍。槍擊從停車場開始,然后到了大樓里。