喬納森 · 庫克 2021年4月19日

Back in the 1880s, the mathematician and theologian Edwin Abbott tried to help us better understand our world by describing a very different one he called Flatland.

早在19世紀80年代,數(shù)學家和神學家埃德溫 · 阿博特試圖幫助我們更好地理解我們的世界,他描述了一個非常不同的世界,他稱之為“平面國”(Flatland)。

Imagine a world that is not a sphere moving through space like our own planet, but more like a vast sheet of paper inhabited by conscious, flat geometric shapes. These shape-people can move forwards and backwards, and they can turn left and right. But they have no sense of up or down. The very idea of a tree, or a well, or a mountain makes no sense to them because they lack the concepts and experiences of height and depth. They cannot imagine, let alone describe, obxts familiar to us.


In this two-dimensional world, the closest scientists can come to comprehending a third dimension are the baffling gaps in measurements that register on their most sophisticated equipment. They sense the shadows cast by a larger universe outside Flatland. The best brains infer that there must be more to the universe than can be observed but they have no way of knowing what it is they don’t know.


This sense of the the unknowable, the ineffable has been with humans since our earliest ancestors became self-conscious. They inhabited a world of immediate, cataclysmic events – storms, droughts, volcanoes and earthquakes – caused by forces they could not explain. But they also lived with a larger, permanent wonder at the mysteries of nature itself: the change from day to night, and the cycle of the seasons; the pin-pricks of light in the night sky, and their continual movement; the rising and falling of the seas; and the inevitability of life and death.

他們居住在一個由他們無法解釋的力量所引起的即時的、災難性的事件——風暴、干旱、火山和地震——造成的世界,但是他們也生活在一個更大的、永恒的奇跡中,那就是自然本身的奧秘 :

Perhaps not surprisingly, our ancestors tended to attribute common cause to these mysterious events, whether of the catastrophic or the cyclical variety, whether of chaos or order. They ascribed them to another world or dimension – to the spiritual realm, to the divine.


Paradox and mystery


Science has sought to shrink the realm of the inexplicable. We now understand – at least approximately – the laws of nature that govern the weather and catastrophic events like an earthquake. Telescopes and rocket-ships have also allowed us to probe deeper into the heavens to make a little more sense of the universe outside our tiny corner of it.

科學試圖縮小無法解釋的領域,我們現(xiàn)在至少大致了解了支配天氣和災難性事件 (如地震) 的自然法則,望遠鏡、火箭、飛船也使我們能夠更深入地探索宇宙,讓我們對我們這個小角落之外的宇宙有更多的了解。

But the more we investigate the universe the more rigid appear the limits to our knowledge. Like the shape-people of Flatland, our ability to understand is constrained by the dimensions we can observe and experience: in our case, the three dimensions of space and the additional one of time. Influential “string theory” posits another six dimensions, though we would be unlikely to ever sense them in any more detail than the shadows almost-detected by the scientists of Flatland.

但是,我們對宇宙研究得越多,我們的知識就顯得越有限,就像“平面國”的二維類人體一樣,我們的理解能力也受到我們可以觀察和體驗的維度的限制 :
對我們來說,是三維空間和時間這一額外維度,頗具影響力的“弦理論”假設了另外的六個維度,就像平面國的科學家們探測到的陰影一樣,我們幾乎不太可能在任何細節(jié)上感覺到它們 。

The deeper we peer into the big universe of the night sky and our cosmic past, and the deeper we peer into the small universe inside the atom and our personal past, the greater the sense of mystery and wonder.
At the sub-atomic level, the normal laws of physics break down. Quantum mechanics is a best-guess attempt to explain the mysteries of movement of the tiniest particles we can observe, which appear to be operating, at least in part, in a dimension we cannot observe directly.


And most cosmologists, looking outwards rather inwards, have long known that there are questions we are unlikely ever to answer: not least what exists outside our universe – or expressed another way, what existed before the Big Bang. For some time, dark matter and black holes have baffled the best minds. This month scientists conceded to the New York Times that there are forms of matter and energy unknown to science but which can be inferred because they disrupt the known laws of physics.
Inside and outside the atom, our world is full of paradox and mystery.

大多數(shù)的宇宙學家都是向外看,而不是向內(nèi)看,他們早就知道有一些問題我們可能永遠無法回答 :
—— 在原子內(nèi)外,我們的世界充滿了悖論和神秘。

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Conceit and humility


Despite our science-venerating culture, we have arrived at a similar moment to our forebears, who gazed at the night sky in awe. We have been forced to acknowledge the boundaries of knowledge.
There is a difference, however. Our ancestors feared the unknowable, and therefore preferred to show caution and humility in the face of what could not be understood. They treated the ineffable with respect and reverence. Our culture encourages precisely the opposite approach. We show only conceit and arrogance. We seek to defeat, ignore or trivialise that which we cannot explain or understand.


The greatest scientists do not make this mistake. As an avid viewer of science programmes like the BBC’s Horizon, I am always struck by the number of cosmologists who openly speak of their religious belief. Carl Sagan, the most famous cosmologist, never lost his sense of awestruck wonder as he examined the universe. Outside the lab, his was not the language of hard, cold, calculating science. He described the universe in the language of poetry. He understood the necessary limits of science. Rather than being threatened by the universe’s mysteries and paradoxes, he celebrated them.

最偉大的科學家不會犯這樣的錯誤,作為一個BBC《地平線》( Horizon ) 等科學節(jié)目的忠實觀眾,我時常為這么多公開談論自己宗教信仰的宇宙學家所震撼。卡爾·薩根,最著名的宇宙學家,他在研究宇宙時從未失去敬畏之心,在實驗室之外,他并不是用冷酷無情、精于計算的科學語言而是詩歌的語言來描繪宇宙,他理解科學的局限性,他沒有被宇宙的神秘和悖論所威脅,而是贊美它們。
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When in 1990, for example, space probe Voyager 1 showed us for the first time our planet from 6 billion km away, Sagan did not mistake himself or his fellow NASA scientists for gods. He saw “a pale blue dot” and marvelled at a planet reduced to a “mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam”. Humility was his response to the vast scale of the universe, our fleeting place within it, and our struggle to grapple with “the great enveloping cosmic dark”.

例如,當1990年航天探測器旅行者1號第一次從60億公里外向我們展示我們的星球時,薩根并沒有把他自己或他的 NASA 科學家同事誤當成上帝,他看到了“一個淡藍色的小點”,驚嘆于一顆行星竟然變成了“懸浮在陽光中的一粒塵?!保t遜是他對浩瀚宇宙的回應,是對我們在宇宙中短暫的存在的回應,是對我們與“浩瀚宇宙的黑暗”搏斗的回應。

Mind and matter

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Sadly, Sagan’s approach is not the one that dominates the western tradition. All too often, we behave as if we are gods. Foolishly, we have made a religion of science. We have forgotten that in a world of unknowables, the application of science is necessarily tentative and ideological. It is a tool, one of many that we can use to understand our place in the universe, and one that is easily appropriated by the corrupt, by the vain, by those who seek power over others, by those who worship money.


Until relatively recently, science, philosophy and theology sought to investigate the same mysteries and answer the same existential questions. Through much of history, they were seen as complementary, not in competition. Abbott, remember, was a mathematician and theologian, and Flatland was his attempt to explain the nature of faith. Similarly, the man who has perhaps most shaped the paradigm within which much western science still operates was a French philosopher using the scientific methods of the time to prove the existence of God.

直到不久以前,科學、哲學和神學都試圖探索同樣的奧秘,回答同樣的存在主義問題,縱觀歷史,它們被視為互補,而不是競爭。埃德溫 · 阿博特,是一位數(shù)學家和神學家,他試圖以二維的“平面國”來解釋信仰的本質(zhì),同樣地,也許最能體現(xiàn)這一點的是一位法國哲學家,他塑造了眾多如今西方科學仍在運作的范式,他用當時的科學方法來證明上帝的存在。

Today, Rene Descartes is best remembered for his famous – if rarely understood – dictum: “I think, therefore I am.” Four hundred years ago, he believed he could prove God’s existence through his argument that mind and matter are separate. Just as human bodies were distinct from souls, so God was separate and distinct from humans. Descartes believed knowledge was innate, and therefore our idea of a perfect being, of God, could only derive from something that was perfect and obxtively real outside us.

今天,勒內(nèi) · 笛卡爾最為人們所銘記的是他那句著名的格言: “我思故我在。”

Weak and self-serving as many of his arguments sound today, Descartes’ lasting ideological influence on western science was profound. Not least so-called Cartesian dualism – the treatment of mind and matter as separate realms – has encouraged and perpetuated a mechanistic view of the world around us.


We can briefly grasp how strong the continuing grip of his thinking is on us when we are confronted with more ancient cultures that have resisted the west’s extreme rationalist discourse – in part, we should note, because they were exposed to it in hostile, oppressive ways that served only to alienate them from the western canon.


Hearing a Native American or an Australian Aboriginal speak of the sacred significance of a river or a rock – or about their ancestors – is to become suddenly aware of how alien their thinking sounds to our “modern” ears. It is the moment when we are likely to respond in one of two ways: either to smirk internally at their childish ignorance, or to gulp at a wisdom that seems to fill a yawning emptiness in our own lives.


Science and power


Descartes’ legacy – a dualism that assumes separation between soul and body, mind and matter – has in many ways proved a poisonous one for western societies. An impoverished, mechanistic worldview treats both the planet and our bodies primarily as material obxts: one a plaything for our greed, the other a canvas for our insecurities.

笛卡爾的遺產(chǎn)——假定靈魂與身體、精神與物質(zhì)分離的二元論——在許多方面被證明對西方社會是有害的,一個貧窮、機械的世界觀把我們的星球和我們的身體主要當作物質(zhì)對象: 一個是我們貪婪的玩物,另一個是描述我們不安全感的畫布。

The British scientist James Lovelock who helped model conditions on Mars for NASA so it would have a better idea how to build the first probes to land there, is still ridiculed for the Gaia hypothesis he developed in the 1970s. He understood that our planet was best not viewed as a very large lump of rock with life-forms living on it, though distinct from it. Rather Earth was as a complete, endlessly complex, delicately balanced living entity. Over billions of years, life had grown more sophisticated, but each species, from the most primitive to the most advanced, was vital to the whole, maintaining a harmony that sustained the diversity.

英國科學家詹姆斯 · 洛夫洛克曾幫助NASA模擬火星環(huán)境,以便更好地構建第一個登陸火星的探測器,但他在20世紀70年代提出的蓋亞假說( Gaia hypothesis)至今仍受備受嘲諷,他明白,我們的星球最好不要被看作是一塊有著各種生命存在的巨大巖石,地球于此截然不同,相反,地球是一個完整的、無限復雜的、微妙平衡的生命實體,數(shù)十億年來,生命變得更加復雜,但是每個物種,從最原始的到最先進的,對于整體來說都是至關重要的,維持著多樣性的和諧。
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Few listened to Lovelock. Our god-complex got the better of us. And now, as the bees and other insects disappear, everything he warned of decades ago seems far more urgent. Through our arrogance, we are destroying the conditions for advanced life. If we don’t stop soon, the planet will dispose of us and return to an earlier stage of its evolution. It will begin again, without us, as simple flora and microbes once again begin recreating gradually – measured in aeons – the conditions favourable to higher life forms.


But the abusive, mechanistic relationship we have with our planet is mirrored by the one we have with our bodies and our health. Dualism has encouraged us to think of our bodies as fleshy vehicles, which like the metal ones need regular outside intervention. The pandemic has only served to underscore these unwholesome tendencies.


In part, the medical establishment, like all establishments, has been corrupted by the desire for power and enrichment. Science is not some pristine discipline, free from real-world pressures. Scientists need funding for research, they have mortgages to pay, and they crave status and career advancement like everyone else.


Kamran Abbasi, executive editor of the British Medical Journal, wrote an editorial last November warning of British state corruption that had been unleashed on a grand scale by covid-19. But it was not just politicians responsible. Scientists and health experts had been implicated too: “The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political complex can be manipulated in an emergency.”

去年11月,《英國醫(yī)學雜志》(British Medical Journal) 的執(zhí)行編輯卡姆阿巴西去年11月在一篇社論中警告稱,Covid19引發(fā)了英國政府的大規(guī)模腐敗,但這不僅僅是政客們的責任,科學家和健康專家也牽涉其中: “疫情暴露了一個在緊急情況下操縱醫(yī)學和政治復合體?!?/b>

He added: “The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines.”

他補充說: “英國的疫情應對措施過于依賴科學家和其他政府官員,他們存在令人擔憂的利益沖突,包括在生產(chǎn)Covid19診斷檢測、治療和疫苗的公司的股份?!?/b>

Doctors and clerics


But in some ways Abbasi is too generous. Scientists haven’t only corrupted science by prioritising their personal, political and commercial interests. Science itself is shaped and swayed by the ideological assumptions of scientists and the wider societies to which they belong. For centuries, Descartes’ dualism has provided the lens through which scientists have often developed and justified medical treatments and procedures. Medicine has its fashions too, even if they tend to be longer-lived – and more dangerous – than the ones of the clothing industry.


In fact, there were self-interested reasons why Descartes’s dualism was so appealing to the scientific and medical community four centuries ago. His mind-matter division carved out a space for science free from clerical interference. Doctors could now claim an authority over our bodies separate from that claimed by the Church over our souls.


But the mechanistic view of health has been hard to shake off, even as scientific understanding – and exposure to non-western medical traditions – should have made it seem ever less credible. Cartesian dualism reigns to this day, seen in the supposedly strict separation of physical and mental health. To treat the mind and body as indivisible, as two sides of the same coin, is to risk being accused of quackery. “Holistic” medicine still struggles to be taken seriously.


Faced with a fear-inducing pandemic, the medical establishment has inevitably reverted even more strongly to type. The virus has been viewed through a single lens: as an invader seeking to overwhelm our defences, while we are seen as vulnerable patients in desperate need of an extra battalion of soldiers who can help us to fight it off. With this as the dominant frxwork, it has fallen to Big Pharma – the medical corporations with the greatest firepower – to ride to our rescue.


Vaccines are part of an emergency solution, of course. They will help save lives among the most vulnerable. But the reliance on vaccines, to the exclusion of everything else, is a sign that once again we are being lured back to viewing our bodies as machines. We are being told by the medical establishment we can ride out this war with some armour-plating from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. We can all be Robocop in the battle against Covid-19.


But there are others ways to view health than as an expensive, resource-depleting technological battle against virus-warriors. Where is the focus on improving the ever-more nutrient-deficient, processed, pesticide-laden, and sugar and chemical-rich diets most of us consume? How do we address the plague of stress and anxiety we all endure in a competitive, digitally connected, no-rest world stripped of all spiritual meaning? What do we do about the cosseted lifestyles we prefer, where exertion is a lifestyle choice renamed as exercise rather than integral to our working day, and where regular exposure to sunshine, outside of a beach vacation, is all but impossible in our office-bound schedules?

我們大多數(shù)人的飲食越來越缺乏營養(yǎng),我們的食物是加工過的、含農(nóng)藥的、富含糖和化學物質(zhì)的,我們?nèi)绾胃纳七@些飲食?在一個競爭激烈、數(shù)字化連接、沒有休息的世界里,我們?nèi)绾螒獙毫徒箲]的瘟疫?對于我們喜歡的那種嬌慣的生活方式,我們該怎么辦? 在這樣的生活方式下,運動是一種選擇,被重新命名為鍛煉,而不是我們?nèi)粘I畈豢苫蛉钡囊徊糠?,在這樣的生活方式下,除了海灘度假,經(jīng)常接觸陽光幾乎不可能出現(xiàn)在我們的辦公室日程表上?

Fear and quick-fixes


For much of human history, our chief concern was the fight for survival – against animals and other humans, against the elements, against natural disasters. Technological developments proved invaluable in making our lives safer and easier, whether it was flint axes and domesticated animals, wheels and combustion engines, medicines and mass communications. Our brains now seem hardwired to look to technological innovation to address even the smallest inconvenience, to allay even our wildest fears.


So, of course, we have invested our hopes, and sacrificed our economies, in finding a technological fix to the pandemic. But does this exclusive fixation on technology to solve the current health crisis not have a parallel with the similar, quick-fix technological remedies we keep seeking for the many ecological crises we have created?

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Global warming? We can create an even whiter paint to reflect back the sun’s heat. Plastics in every corner of our oceans? We can build giant vacuum-cleaners that will suck it all out. Vanishing bee populations? We can invent pollinator drones to take their place. A dying planet? Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk will fly millions of us to space colonies.

塑料遍布我們海洋的每一個角落 ?我們可以造一個巨大的真空吸塵器把它吸走。
星球瀕臨滅絕 ?杰夫 · 貝佐斯和埃隆 · 馬斯克將帶我們飛往太空殖民地。

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Were we not so technology obsessed, were we not so greedy, were we not so terrified of insecurity and death, if we did not see our bodies and minds as separate, and humans as separate from everything else, we might pause to ponder whether our approach is not a little misguided.


Science and technology can be wonderful things. They can advance our knowledge of ourselves and the world we inhabit. But they need to be conducted with a sense of humility we increasingly seem incapable of. We are not conquerors of our bodies, or the planet, or the universe – and if we imagine we are, we will soon find out that the battle we are waging is one we can never hope to win.
