Three people are dead, including a police officer, after a shooting in Arvada, Colorado, on Monday.


A bystander and the suspect were also killed, officials said.


The officer, Gordon Beesley, was a 19-year veteran of the police department, Arvada Police Detective David Snelling told CNN.


Earlier, Arvada Deputy Chief Ed Brady said the identities of the bystander and suspect will be released by the coroner's office once they are available.


The city of Arvada is located about 10 miles north of Denver.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

The incident began around 1:15 p.m. when an officer responded to reports of a "suspicious incident" in the Old Town Square, Brady said. Just after 1:30 p.m., 911 calls came in about shots fired, and that an Arvada police officer had been hit by gunfire.

布拉迪說,該槍擊事件發(fā)生于當(dāng)?shù)貢r(shí)間下午1點(diǎn)15分左右,當(dāng)時(shí)一名警官對老城廣場的 "可疑事件 "報(bào)告作出回應(yīng)。下午1:30后,911電話打進(jìn)來,說有槍聲,并有一名阿瓦達(dá)警察被槍擊中。

"We heard at least four gunshots and we ran inside of the restaurant and people were diving under the tables and then the managers tried to get everyone down to the basement," Michelle Engelbrecht, who witnessed the shooting, told CNN on Monday.


Veronica Carlson, the manager of Hunter Bay Coffee, told CNN she was in the basement of the shop when an employee ran downstairs. The employee had been on break outside when gunshots were heard, Carlson said.


"We ushered everyone away from the windows (and) tried to keep them happy and give them drinks if they wanted to," Carlson said.


Brady said there were many "moving pieces" in the investigation but that there was no threat to the community. No other suspects are being sought, he said.


The officer was only the third to die in the line of duty in Arvada Police Department history and the first to die in a shooting, Brady said.
