Why was France granted an equal status among WWII victors?

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

How is it that France emerged from World War II with a similar status as the U.S.A., Britain, the Soviet unx, and China in terms of possession of a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, uncontested possession of nuclear weapons, etc?
I understand that Charles de Gaulle "somehow" managed to downplay his beloved home country's status as an early victim to German aggression in World War II and line it up among the victors instead. Is this the case and if so how (e.g. at what conferences) did he pull it off?
This is not to diminish the role of the French resistance (and de Gaulle's own contribution in that regard), but its role in defeating Germany seems hardly at the same level as those from the other allies overall (perhaps excluding China).

法國是如何從第二次世界大戰(zhàn)中獲得具有與美國、英國、蘇聯(lián)和中國相似的地位,包括擁有聯(lián)合國安理會常任理事國地位、可以無爭議地?fù)碛泻宋淦鞯鹊鹊模?br /> 我知道,戴高樂“以某種方式”淡化了他心愛的祖國作為二戰(zhàn)中德國侵略的早期受害者的地位,并將其排在勝利者之中。情況是這樣嗎,如果是這樣的話。他又在什么會議上成功的呢?