Alexei Yahontov, Turkophile
Sometimes, I am really amazed by the sweet naivety of some questions.


But then, when I read the responses, I realize why the quality of knowledge has gone so much down, when privileged people, from their point of view, think always from thousands of kilometers away, anywhere from Goteborg, Oslo, Helsinki, Berlin, etc., that they know about things, that’s miles apart from their wisdom.
We live in a time, especially after social media generation, where everyone became a mouth without any repercussions like we had when we were young and had some shame and dignity to know ‘’when to speak and when to be silent in front of wisdom’’, with that, the whole aura of Europe, the land of the ‘’Denker and Dichter’’ of the 19th century, is long gone.
I miss all the accomplished anthropologists, sociologists, orientalists, historians, poets, and thinkers of the time when I went to school, who don't just have to say `` three words '' for a question like today, but everything from a broad perspective and did not write something down with their ass, sitting at home in front of their gas heater and Apple PC, but were at least experts about several countries in depth around the world to know their sociological truths.
Anyway, I will not make it long, because this IQ generally does not exist on this page, so I will do it like these writers, short and quick, but full in-depth.


This here is Guenther Verheugen:


Who was Guenther?
‘’Nominated by the German government of Chancellor Gerhard Schr?der, Verheugen first served in the European Commission as European Commissioner for Enlargement…’’
This means he was the sole Representative of the European unx during the Enlargement Process for the new 10 Members of the European unx who became Member in 2004 and was responsible also for the Membership of Turkey, to negotiate, organize, advise these countries and the EU in the Enlargement Affairs.


Additional work:
FleishmanHillard, Member of the International Advisory Board
German-Azerbaijani Forum, Member of the Board of Trustees
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Member
Turkey: Culture of Change Initiative (TCCI), Member of the Advisory Board
National Association of German Cooperative Banks (BVR), Advisor (since 2010)
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Senior Advisor (since 2010)
Günter Verheugen - Wikipedia

根特·維赫根 - 維基百科

As you see, not a simple ‘’Orospusson’’ from any Nordic countries who pretend to know anything about the enlargement and answers here around 100 times the same ‘’EU-Turkey’’ with obsession, same 3–4 lines and actually is an active PKK supporter, just like his country.


Guenther, I’ll quote, in a debate clearly explained what he thinks about Turkey’s membership:
‘’I would like to underline one thing, always remember, always remember, it is not Erdogan who will become a member of the EU, but we are talking about a great, important, proud, European folk, one of the largest Europan nations.
One that has been promised for 60 years, for 60, sixty years, that it will be part of it. And this promise has not been kept for 60 years.


原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

If you say here (to the moderator), that the EU opens new chapters with Turkey in the process and breaks the law now, sorry, let me remind you one thing, it was the idea of the German government here, to ACCELERATE THE PROCESS OF THE MEMBERSH?P, in return for, in return for, that Turkey does the dirty job for Europe and keep the refugees away from our borders, but again kept not their promise.


Our policy towards Turkey is simply '' dishonest '' to say the least, the least.
She has a decade-long promise, but she hears from Germany and France and here today from the guests: '' We don't want you, no matter what you do, you will not become a member ... ''
I conducted the talks myself at the time. Believe me, I have dealt with all 10 new members, including Turkey, and Turkey was the most reform-minded country among all the new candidates, none of them were able to carry out as many reforms as Turkey between 2002-2006.
But how did it happen that a country that we certified in 2005 that is sufficiently democratic and ready for EU admission that we talk about other things today?


Moderator: What happened?
Verheugen: I can tell you exactly. Because from 2006 onwards, politics changed in Europe and after the elections in Germany and France, we lost this membership in the hands of populism and the motto was no longer you become a member, but instead, no matter what you do, you do not belong to it, you are not European, you are Muslim and much more. We have lost the influence on the internal matters of Turkey totally.
At that time I was able to call Erdogan personally and say: `` My friend, you don't do that, otherwise, there will be worse later in the Commission and differently, and he followed my words because he believed that we, the Europeans are really honest and they will join at the end.


Therefore I appeal to all European leaders today to finally stop this dishonest policy towards Turkey. Call them to a summit, sit together and speak openly about what needs to be done or not to become a member or not.’’
The long version for those who understand the language of the leader of Europe, Germany, here is the video:
Look, Democracy and Human rights today in Turkey, are not in the best form, and they went somehow backward the last 5–6 years. But to put the whole blame on Turkey, or a single Men, who was actually the most western obsessed politician that Turkey ever had, when you even block the essential chapters so that this country can’t become more democratic, humane and a successful market-oriented country and join at the end the unx, how a student should be able to graduate from that school if you stop and block him frequently since over 15 years to make his housework?


Someone needs to do his housework, joins all the exams so that you can say at the end: ‘’Yes or No’’
Not to mention, that the access paper of Turkey, is a contract, what never ever before in European history was pressured to any other member, because it states, even when Turkey completes all chapters successfully, the members are free to decide on their own, via referendum, or political decision, if Turkey shall become a member or not and the EU has the right to assess if European unx is able to take in such a large country from a political and economical standpoint.
This means it’s a dead-born baby from begin.


But the Turks still believed and put their asses on this road from 1999 to 2010.
In the end, they were slapped for an X time into their face and the chapter was opened to another direction for Turkey’s politics after 2010.
Therefore, the whole tale of Lafontaine of Democracy, Human rights, that boys, the Turks don’t eat anymore, because you fucked their future forever, they’ll never forgive that and believe again.
I end it with the words of EU Foreign Relations Representative, Josep Borrell, who last year in a debate on Turkey sanctions inside of the European Parliament has told this:
‘’I’m amazed to see under this roof of parliament, which was created after the bloodshed of WW2 to bring an end to the conflicts in the region and stands for the democracy in Europe, that today, after hearing most of the speeches, I felt that we are preparing for a crusader war and some of us, wants to go back to the glorious times of European Empires and start the Holy Empire. But I will remind you all, it's not the time of the crusade. I'm also not the crusader commander, Johann of Austria’’


Additional Edit:
Back in 2016 the European unx and Turkey struck a deal over the Refugee problem:
Turkey will stop the refugee influx into Europe and for that, the EU will do the following points
EU will pay Turkey 6 billion Euros.
EU will offer Turkey visa-free entry.
EU will accelerate the membership and open new chapters that are blocked.
Since then, the refugee influx has decreased by 93 %.
2021, after 5 years:
Only 2.3 billion Euros arrived in Turkey.
Visa-free entry is still not allowed.
No chapter was opened for the EU membership.
A signed contract, black on white, an international agreement, from the most democratic unx of the World, promised. You can see the result?
Then when Turkey said in 2019, enough is enough, I can hold anymore over 4 million refugees here, and don’t care wherever they want to go,
Titles of European Magazines and Newspapers:
‘’Erdogan threatens Europe’’ ‘’Turkey pressures Europe with Refugees’’ ‘’Turkey did this and that’’ not even aware or a single knowledge of, that they have offered, signed and promised a legal international contract and did not keep their promise. But that’s totally unimportant, they can break laws from morning to evening.


Is there any Turk who is shocked?
I don’t think so, they know all of this for years, the Turks are awake, just 99% of the Europeans are still sleeping with any dreams of freedom of expression and such things and really believe in it. My pity for you all.
