Father whose daughter was 'raped' in girls' bathroom by 'skirt-wearing' male student slams AG Merrick Garland for threatening parents who protest school boards after he was dragged out of Loudoun County for trying to say staff ignored incident

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Scott Smith, 48, appeared on The Ingraham Angle and spoke out after he was photographed being dragged out of a school board meeting this June


He told Host Laura Ingraham he was trying to stick up for his daughter, who was attacked at Stone Bridge High School by a boy 'wearing in a skirt.'


Smith says the boy took advantage of the school's trans policies to get into the girls' bathrooms and assault her


In October, the boy was arrested for allegedly assaulting a different girl, at a different school. He is now in a juvenile detention center


Smith commented on Attorney General Merrick Garland issuing a DOJ order directing the FBI and local law enforcement to tackle teachers being threatened


The Virginia father who was arrested at a school board meeting while protesting its proposed transgender policies after claiming his daughter was raped in a girls' bathroom by 'skirt-wearing' male student has slammed Merrick Garland for threatening parents who protest school boards.


Scott Smith, 48, appeared on Fox News' The Ingraham Angle and spoke out after he was photographed being dragged out of a school board in Leesburg, Virginia meeting this June and was painted by the left to be a deranged, right-wing bigot.

現(xiàn)年48歲的斯科特·史密斯(Scott Smith)出現(xiàn)在福克斯新聞(Fox News)的《英格拉姆角》節(jié)目中,今年6月他被拍到在弗吉尼亞州利斯堡的一個學(xué)校董事會會議上被拖出會場,之后他發(fā)布了自己的言論,左翼人士將他描繪成一個精神失常的右翼偏執(zhí)狂。

Smith told host Laura Ingraham that his daughter was sexually attacked at Stone Bridge High School on May 28 by a boy 'wearing in a skirt' who took advantage of the school's trans policies to get into the girls' bathrooms and assault her.

史密斯向主持人勞拉·英格拉姆說道, 5月28日,他的女兒在石橋高中被一名“穿裙子”的男孩性侵,這名男孩憑借學(xué)校的跨性別政策,進入女生衛(wèi)生間,并對她實施了性侵。

And he slammed Attorney General Merrick Garland for clamping down on protests at board meetings.


The Justice Department announced last week that the FBI would now investigate and prosecute any parent who it deems to be 'threatening' towards school staff.
The order from Garland was in response to a request from the National School Board Association to President Biden, asking him to protect them from angry parents.


Garland said: 'Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation's core values. Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.'


Smith told Ingraham: 'That's really scary that our government will weaponize themselves against parents and using my video across the nation to spread fear.
'That's wrong. I am not a bully. I am not a racist. I love everyone. I love this country. I want better stuff for it.'


Scott Smith, 48, (pictured) appeared on The Ingraham Angle and spoke out after he was photographed being dragged out of a school board meeting this June


On June 22, Scott Smith was dragged out of a Loudoun County school board meeting after listening to the woke school board justify its transgender bathroom policies. He says he was trying to tell the room that his daughter had been raped by a boy 'wearing a skirt' in the girls' bathroom just weeks earlier and that the school ignored it


Smith was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. He said he was trying to contain himself after listening to school board staff say they'd never had a report of a sexual assault in a bathroom, when that is what his daughter reported weeks earlier


Smith told host Laura Ingraham that he was trying to stick up for his daughter when he was dragged from the meeting, and says his family was confronted by activists at the meeting when he spoke out against the trans policies.


'I am good with gay people and cross-gender people – Anybody who wants to be a good American, I am good with – I went there to find out why our children were not safe,' he said.


'The next thing I know, another parent-activist approached my wife and starting antagonizing her, and I turned around and said stop.'


He said he tried to explain what happened to his daughter but the woman would not listen.


'She looked me dead in the face and said ''that's not what happened'' – That struck me – how do you know what happened,
He said next thing he knew he was tackled by an officer and although he supports the police, he thinks things could have been dealt with better.


'This didn't have to happen. This could have been handled a lot differently,' he said.


Smith commented on Attorney General Merrick Garland (pictured) issuing a DOJ order directing the FBI and local law enforcement to tackle teachers being threatened


'To my knowledge, we don't have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms,' he said first.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

He went on to quote Time magazine research that he said disproved the notion transgender kids might sexually attack cisgender kids, and said: 'I think it's important to keep our perspective on this, we've heard it several times tonight from our public speakers but the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist.'

他引用了《時代》雜志的研究, 對變性兒童可能性侵非變性兒童的觀點進行了駁斥,“我認(rèn)為從哪個角度來關(guān)注這件事很重要,但關(guān)注點從沒放在那位變性學(xué)生施暴,或類似話題。”

Two months after the incident, the boy - who has not been named because he is a juvenile - was arrested for forced sodomy.


And in October, he was arrested again on different charges for allegedly assaulting a different girl, at a different school. He is now in a juvenile detention center.
Smith told Ingraham that after he found out about the arrest he decided it was time to speak out.


'Within half an hour, it was confirmed that yes, this did happen. I basically said that's it. I won't stay quiet anymore,' he said.


Smith says he couldn't contain himself after watching Loudoun County staff lie about never receiving a report of an incident in a bathroom. Board chair Brenda Sheridan is pictured


Smith was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest following the June incident.


His family then retreated from the public eye but were working with Lancaster to resolve the criminal case against the boy who assaulted their daughter, they say.


They were preparing for an October 14 court date, they say, but were stunned when the same boy was arrested again on October 6, at a different school in the same district.


On this occasion, he was charged with 'with sexual battery and abduction'. In that case, he allegedly held a different girl in a classroom to attack her in Broad Run High School - 2.5miles from the high school where Smith's daughter was assaulted.

這一次,那名男孩被指控“性暴力和挾持”。在這起案件中,該男孩被指控在Broad Run高中一間教室里挾持另一名女孩,并實施侵犯。該中學(xué)距離史密斯的女兒被侵犯的高中只有2.5英里。

Smith's attorney says prosecutors told her it was the same child as was involved in the case with Smith's daughter.


'If someone would have sat and listened for thirty seconds to what Scott had to say, they would have been mortified and heartbroken,' his attorney added.


He said he does not know if the boy identifies as female, is bisexual, or was taking advantage of the system.


'I don't care if he's homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, transsexual. He's a sexual predator,' he said.


Because the case involves two juveniles, there are few publicly available records and Loudoun County will not comment or give out any information.


It remains unclear why the boy in question was in the different school, where the second assault allegedly took place on October 6, when he had apparently been in talks with prosecutors to agree to a deal for the May 28 assault against Smith's daughter.


Loudoun County won't say whether or not he was ever suspended or excluded from the school system.


The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office did confirm the October 6 incident, saying in a press release on October 7: 'A teenager from Ashburn has been charged with sexual battery and abduction of a fellow student at Broad Run High School.


'The investigation determined on the afternoon of October 6, the 15-year-old suspect forced the victim into an empty classroom where he held her against her will and inappropriately touched her.'

“調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示,10月6日下午,這位15歲的嫌疑人迫使受害者進入一間無人教室,強行拘禁,并對她進行了不恰當(dāng)?shù)挠|摸?!?br />