An Indian Air Force Mirage 2000 crashed in a village in Madhya Pradesh’s Bhind on Thursday while on a training sortie and the pilot, who managed to eject safely before the crash, was being treated for minor injuries, a police officer said. Bhind police superintendent Manoj Kumar Singh said that Flight Lieutenant Abhilash took off from Gwalior Air Base in a Mirage 2000 aircraft at around 10 am before it crashed at Babedi village panchayat after covering a distance of 70 km . He added that the pilot soon landed safely using parachute in nearby Parasram Ka Pura village.

一名警官說,印度空軍一架幻影2000飛機(jī)周四在進(jìn)行訓(xùn)練時(shí),在中央邦平德的一個(gè)村莊墜毀,飛行員在墜毀前成功彈射跳傘,他受了輕傷,目前正在接受治療。平德警長Manoj Kumar Singh說,上午10點(diǎn)左右,阿比拉什中尉駕駛幻影2000飛機(jī)從瓜里爾空軍基地起飛,在飛行70公里后墜毀在巴貝迪村村部。他補(bǔ)充說,這位飛行員很快使用降落傘在附近的帕拉斯拉姆卡普拉村安全著陸。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

An IAF Mirage 2000 aircraft experienced a technical malfunction during a training sortie in the central sector this morning. The pilot ejected safely. An Inquiry has been ordered to ascertain the cause of the accident,” an Indian Air Force (IAF) tweet said. Police force has been deployed at the crash site to keep a crowd of curious onlookers.
