The northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh is trying to deal with piles of unprocessed rubbish polluting its mountains and rivers. Despite efforts by local NGOs and a recycling plant to convert non-biodegradable waste into energy, minimal improvement has been made on the polluted landscape. An alarming lack of awareness, accountability and strategy from locals and government officials threaten the region's biodiversity and future livelihood.

印度北部的喜馬偕爾邦正試圖解決大量未經(jīng)過處理的垃圾,這些垃圾污染了當(dāng)?shù)氐纳矫}以及河流。盡管當(dāng)?shù)氐囊恍┓钦M織以及一家回收廠正努力將不可生物降解的廢物轉(zhuǎn)化為能源,但是污染情況只是得到了最小程度的改善。當(dāng)?shù)孛癖娨约罢賳T缺乏相關(guān)意識、問責(zé)制度以及環(huán)保策略的現(xiàn)狀非常引人擔(dān)憂,這些污染正在威脅該地區(qū)的生物多樣性以及當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣裎磥淼纳嫛?br />