As Fascism Casts Off Its Disguises

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

The US government has won its appeal against a lower British court’s rejection of its extradition request to prosecute Julian Assange for journalistic activity under the Espionage Act. Rather than going free, the WikiLeaks founder will continue to languish in Belmarsh Prison where he has already spent over two and a half years despite having been convicted of no crime.


“As a result, that extradition request will now be sent to British Home Secretary Prita Patel, who technically must approve all extradition requests but, given the U.K. Government’s long-time subservience to the U.S. security state, is all but certain to rubber-stamp it,” writes Glenn Greenwald. “Assange’s representatives, including his fiancee Stella Morris, have vowed to appeal the ruling, but today’s victory for the U.S. means that Assange’s freedom, if it ever comes, is further away than ever: not months but years even under the best of circumstances.”
“Mark this day as fascism casts off its disguises,” tweeted journalist John Pilger of the ruling.

格倫· 格林沃爾德寫(xiě)道: “引渡請(qǐng)求現(xiàn)在將發(fā)送給英國(guó)內(nèi)政大臣普里塔·帕特爾,嚴(yán)格來(lái)說(shuō),帕特爾必須批準(zhǔn)引渡請(qǐng)求,英國(guó)政府長(zhǎng)期以來(lái)一直對(duì)美國(guó)安全部門唯命是從,他幾乎肯定會(huì)批準(zhǔn)這一請(qǐng)求?!?br /> “阿桑奇的代理人,包括他的未婚妻斯特拉 · 莫里斯,已經(jīng)誓言要對(duì)裁決提出上訴,但是今天美國(guó)的勝利意味著,阿桑奇的自由,即使真的到來(lái),也將比以往任何時(shí)候都更遙遠(yuǎn): 即使最好的情況下,也不會(huì)是幾個(gè)月,而是幾年。”
記者約翰 · 皮爾格在推特上寫(xiě)道:"記住這一天,法西斯主義卸下了偽裝"。

This ruling which allows the US to continue working to extradite a journalist for exposing US war crimes comes on the final day of Washington’s so-called “Summit for Democracy“, where the US Secretary of State made a grandiose show about how press freedom “plays an indispensable role in informing the public, holding governments accountable, and telling stories that otherwise would not be told” and said “The U.S. will continue to stand up for the brave and necessary work of journalists around the world.”

這項(xiàng)允許美國(guó)繼續(xù)引渡一名揭露美國(guó)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)罪行的記者的裁決是在華盛頓所謂的 "民主峰會(huì) "的最后一天作出的,美國(guó)國(guó)務(wù)卿在會(huì)上冠冕堂皇地談?wù)撔侣勛杂扇绾?"在向公眾提供信息、追究政府責(zé)任以及報(bào)道不會(huì)被講述的故事方面發(fā)揮著不可或缺的作用",并表示 "美國(guó)將繼續(xù)支持世界各地記者勇敢而必要的工作"。

This ruling also comes on UN Human Rights Day.
This ruling comes on the same day as two journalists formally received the Nobel Peace Prizes they’d been rewarded and demanded protections for journalists in their acceptance speech.
This ruling comes as the US government pledges hundreds of millions of dollars in support for “independent media” around the world in coordination with British state media.
This ruling comes after it was revealed that the CIA drew up plans to kidnap and assassinate Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy after the 2017 Vault 7 releases embarrassed the agency.

這一裁決是在2017年Vault 7泄密事件令中情局尷尬之后,中情局被曝計(jì)劃在厄瓜多爾大使館綁架并暗殺阿桑奇之后做出的。

This ruling comes after it was revealed that CIA proxies spied on Assange and his lawyers at the Ecuadorian embassy, thereby making a fair trial in the United States impossible.
This ruling comes after it was revealed that the US prosecution relied on false testimony from a diagnosed sociopath and convicted child molester.
This ruling comes after recent investigative reports on civilian-slaughtering US airstrikes reminded us why it’s so important for the press to be able to conduct critical natsec journalism on the most powerful military force ever assembled.


原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

The facts are in and the case is closed: the US and its allies do not care about press freedoms beyond the extent that they can be used to conduct propaganda. The way journalists who offend the powerful are dealt with by the US government and the way they are dealt with by the Saudi monarchy differ only in terms of speed and messiness.The masks are crumbling. Even when he is silenced, immobilized, locked up and hidden from public view, Julian Assange continues to shine a light on the abusive mechanisms of power. He is arguably exposing them more now than ever before.

面具正在破碎,盡管朱利安 · 阿桑奇被封口、禁閉、關(guān)押,并且隱藏在公眾視野之外,但他仍然繼續(xù)揭露權(quán)力的濫用機(jī)制,可以說(shuō),他現(xiàn)在比以往任何時(shí)候都更多地暴露了這些問(wèn)題。

As fascism casts off its disguises, it becomes more and more important to highlight the hypocrisy, fraudulence and depravity of the people who rule our world.
