New data from the New York City Police Department reveals that hate crimes have skyrocketed across the city. Overall, there were 503 reported hate crimes this year as of December 5, up from 252 in 2020 — a 100% increase, the NYPD said Tuesday.
Police say the spike has been driven by crimes against the Asian community, where there's been a 361% increase — 129 incidents this year versus 28 last year.
"The data is really shocking. It reminds me just to be more careful and take care of myself because things could happen," student Shihao Ent said, CBS New York reports.

據(jù)哥倫比亞廣播公司報(bào)道,學(xué)生世豪(Shihao Ent)說:“這個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)真的非常令人驚訝。它提醒我要更加小心,照顧好自己,萬一遇上了呢”。

Anti-Semitic crimes are up to 183 in 2021, from 121 in 2020, and there were 85 crimes this year over sexual orientation, up from 29 last year.
"On the flip side of that, which shows the great work our hate crimes task force is doing, our arrests are up 106%. So on that 503 incidents, we've made 249 arrests on that," NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said.
So what has triggered the rash of crimes? The NYPD says many are done by the hateful, and mentally ill.

紐約警察局警長(zhǎng)詹姆斯·埃西格(James Essig)說:“另一方面,這也顯示了我們仇恨犯罪特別小組工作正在做的偉大工作,我們的逮捕率上升了106%。在503起事件中,我們逮捕了249人”。

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

"We have to shine a very bright light on this, and then making sure that everyone knows that when you do something like this, number one, you'll be held accountable. But number two, it's not acceptable, not only in this city, but anywhere," NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said.
Shea believes the spike in hate crimes is driven by lower incarceration rates, and the police can always use the public's help if anyone has seen anything.
New Yorkers say they worry about the alarming new numbers.
"Walking down the street definitely has been a little more scary lately," student Armondo Flores said.
"It's sad, where people just need to get along and try to do their best to live," added Brandon Allen of Harlem.

紐約警察局局長(zhǎng)德莫特·謝伊(Dermot Shea)說:“我們必須對(duì)此事給予高度重視,確保每個(gè)人都知道,當(dāng)你做像這樣的事情時(shí),首先,你將被追究責(zé)任,其次,這是不可接受的,不僅在這個(gè)城市,在任何地方都是這樣?!?br /> 謝伊認(rèn)為仇恨犯罪的激增是由較低的監(jiān)禁率推動(dòng)的,如果有人看到了什么,警方總是可以利用公眾的幫助。
學(xué)生阿蒙多·弗洛雷斯(Armondo Flores)說:“最近走在街上肯定更嚇人了。”
哈林區(qū)的布蘭登·艾倫(Brandon Allen)補(bǔ)充說:“這很可悲,人們只需要和睦相處,盡力生活。”