Hyderabad The police suspect the man, B Nagaraju, was killed by relatives of his wife, a Muslim. Two of her brothers have been named as the accused and the police have formed special teams to arrest them.

警方懷疑這位名叫B Nagaraju的男子是被其穆斯林妻子的親戚殺害的。她的兩個兄弟已被列為被告,警方已成立特別小組去逮捕他們。

Hyderabad: A young man lay bleeding by a busy road in Hyderabad, his face smashed to pulp with iron rods, while his wife valiantly fought off his attackers, in a horrific killing in public caught on camera Wednesday evening.


The 25-year-old car salesman was beaten and stabbed to death by his Muslim wife's brother and relatives, the police say.


B Nagaraju and Syed Ashrin Sulthana, described in reports as "childhood sweethearts", had married three months ago, defying her family.

報道稱,B Nagaraju和Syed Ashrin Sulthana是“青梅竹馬”,他們違背家人意愿,于三個月前結(jié)婚。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處


Around 8.45 pm on Wednesday, the couple had just left home on their bike when two men stopped them, dragged Nagaraju off and attacked him with iron rods and knives. Security footage showed a crowd rapidly collecting at the spot but no one trying to stop the attack. Many had their mobile phones out, recording the crime.


On camera, Nagaraju soon appeared lifeless, his head a bloodied mass, as his wife screamed for help. In one video, Sulthana was seen lunging at one of the attackers, trying to stop another strike at Nagaraju. Witnesses rushed at the attacker then, hitting him and chasing him off. She later identified the attacker as her brother.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

It was all over within seconds. Nagaraju died by a road buzzing with traffic and people but nothing could save him.


"They killed my husband in the middle of the street. Five people attacked. My brother and others. There was nobody to help us. I begged everyone. They killed him in front of my eyes," Sulthana, dazed with grief, told reporters today.


"Why did people come if they couldn't do anything? They only watched. It happens before their eyes, someone being killed, can't people see? I fell on him so I could save him. But they pushed me away. They hit him with iron rods and broke his head."

“如果人們什么都不做,為什么還要來? 他們只是看著。那件事就發(fā)生在他們眼前,有人被殺了,難道他們看不見嗎? 我為了救他趴在他身上。但他們把我推開了。他們用鐵棍打他,打破了他的頭?!?/b>

The attackers fled but they were caught on security cameras and the mobile phone videos recorded by witnesses. The police have formed teams to arrest the killers seen on camera.


Nagaraju and Sulthana had an Arya Samaj wedding on January 31. They had known each other since Class 10 but her family was dead opposed to her marrying outside her faith.


Sulthana said she had tried to stay away from Nagaraju earlier. "I told him if I don't marry you, I won't marry anyone else. I told him life or death is with you only. I will die. Before our marriage, I didn't speak to him for two months, so I could just die,'' she shared with reporters, weeping.


Sulthana had changed her name to Pallavi after the wedding. Her family had allegedly threatened Nagaraju and had told him to stay away from her.


"We filed a complaint with the police on the life threats from the girl's family. Due to police negligence, today I lost my brother. He was the sole bread earner of the family," Nagaraju's sister Ramadevi told news agency ANI.


The gruesome killing has sparked tension in the Saroornagar area of Hyderabad. Local BJP activists have launched protests demanding tough action.


"A person was killed by two persons. The deceased was traveling on a bike with his wife. They got married recently and both belonged to different communities. Brothers of the deceased's wife today assaulted Nagaraju and then attacked him with a rod and killed him on the spot," said Sreedhar Reddy, a police officer.

“一個人被兩個人殺死。死者當(dāng)時與其妻子騎著自行車出門。他們分屬不同的宗教群體,最近結(jié)婚了。死者妻子的兄弟今天襲擊了Nagaraju,然后用棍子攻擊他,當(dāng)場殺死了他,”警官Sreedhar Reddy說。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

According to news agency PTI, Sulthana told reporters that five people had attacked her husband on the road. She also said she had known Nagaraju for over 11 years.
