Why is India not a developed country in 2022?

Why is India not a developed country in 2022?
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India is not an undeveloped country in 2022. Period.
Anybody with a pair of eyes, and a brain inside their head can see for himself how much India has developed during the last seven decades. If some one still believes India is an undeveloped country in 2022, without any hesitation I'd commend him to go see a shrink a s a p.
(Of course India is not yet a developed country either. The enormous economic strides the country has made during the last seven decades are neither uniform nor equitable. India still is a developing country, but what one can say with near certitude is India is proceeding in the right direction, perhaps a bit slowly, but nevertheless steadily and sustainably)
And more funnily the caveat “compared to others”!
Compared to what others? Srilanka? Pakistan? Myanmar? even the tiny Nepal? Of course Bangla Desh is catching up & China is an outlier. And any comparison with much smaller countries like South Korea, Singapore or Hongkong is untenable and comparison with already well developed countries like the USA, UK or the Scandinavian countries is unfair.
So coming back to the question, please repeat with me “India is not an undeveloped country in 2022, whether compared or not compared to others.
Jai Hind!
With over 50% population dependent on agriculture for sustenance, and our economic policies directed towards rural & urban poor in the form of MNREGA, loan waivers, DBT, freebies, PDS, with no adequate social security frxwork, it's a long walk to become developed :)
UP: 12
Why is India an undeveloped country in 2022 compared to others?
Compared to what? Wakanda? Sokovia?? Atlantis???
Ever climbed a mountain? If yes, you'd come to realise that the mountain decides it’s peak, but it is the mountain climbers who decide the summit. The beauty of trekking is that there can be multiple summits, with everyone having reached their summit.
Now, this isn't to claim that India is the topmost country in the world. To be honest, no country is. Because the metrics of development depends on the time we had, the time we have, and how well we manage the resources in hand. The priority of each nation varies as well. The “most developed” country might lack major benefits the “l(fā)east developed” country might consider the default, and vice versa.
Also, ones perception of development depends on one's personal development as well. An elite person living in the most underdeveloped place lives a better life than a homeless destitute in the most developed place. This can be true of country, or any state within the country, or city within the state, or locality within the city. A self sufficient farmer living in kuccha housing is much richer than a bankrupt techie living in a high rise that is technically the property of the bank. But who is categorised as “rich” and who is categorised as “poor”? And why does it matter when the reality is different?
Well, while India isn't the topmost country by any of the current indices, it isn't the bottommost either. Because that is how the world is. Every single country has its own set of problems, and looks at a wistful desire at some other country. While an average Indian looks at America's uninterrupted power and water supply and clean streets wistfully, an average American who has just exhausted his life's savings due to a medical emergency might yearn for the free treatment we get in our government hospitals — something the USA doesn't have. Our government hospitals might not have the latest technology, but it caters to the lowest common denominator — basic healthcare for all. Any extra funding it receives depending on the priorities by the state government the hospital is in.
We, as a country, are moving towards the summit WE set. We are sure being held back by multiple forces within, but at the same time given a push by other forces within. We will take our time, and relish every small victory. We might not be at the peak, but let us celebrate every level we achieve. In haste to compete with those who reached the summit before us, let us not forget the journey, the view. Let us get to OUR summit together.
As an Indian, I'm my country's best admirer. I'm also it's worst critic. Because it is my country, I have every right to point out it's issues so that I can live better, and make life better for the future. I also have my duties towards it. Do your duties and claim your rights, right? In this vast universe, if there is one place that I can call “home", it is India. Any metrices be damned. And that is my summit.
India is a developing country and the development varies from region to region, due to various factors.
Whenever someone poses a question about India’s development. People often show pictures of Skyline of Mumbai and Gurugram.
People in India often mistake Sky scrappers for development. A city having ‘n’ number of sky scrappers or ‘n’ number of billionaires isn’t a true measure of development.
Development must be inclusive, not exclusive.
Development should be sustainable.
Take Gurugram for example :
It looks like this futuristic city that rivals cities like Tokyo.
But, is it really developed?
Answer is No.
For starters, Gurugram doesn’t have a fully functioning sewage system.[1] It doesn’t have a Municipal government. All the sewage is collected and dumped elsewhere.
Like this :
Compare this to Indore :
The city isn’t flashy, but the city has been consistently ranked as the cleanest city in India. Now it is a Water+ certified city. It has a fully functioning sewage system and a first class waste management system, with waste segregation being strictly implemented [2]
Is Gurugram a better city compared to Indore ? Certainly not.
Development certainly comes at a cost. However sustainable development cuts the cost by a large margin.
True measure of development:
True measure of Development is the HDI and meeting SDG(Sustainable development goals) because HDI and SDG count all important aspects of development.
(1) No Poverty,
(2) Zero Hunger,
(3) Good Health and Well-being,
(4) Quality Education,
(5) Gender Equality,
(6) Clean Water and Sanitation,
(7) Affordable and Clean Energy,
(8) Decent Work and Economic Growth,
(9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure,
(10) Reduced Inequality,
(11) Sustainable Cities and Communities,
(12) Responsible Consumption and Production,
(13) Climate Action,
(14) Life Below Water,
(15) Life On Land,
(16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions,
(17) Partnerships for the Goals.
States like Kerala, Tamilnadu, Himachal Pradesh consistently top the UN’s Sustainable development Goal rankings.
The reason why these states top the UN SGD rankings is that, they concentrate on Uniform, sustainable development. The states have high upward mobility.
It has gone from being a very low HDI country to Medium HDI country. But it still has a very long way to go.
Love this type of content where people are having constructive discussion without any bs.
This is the reason why most of my family members go banana when I tell them Norway is more developed than USA.
People in India often mistake Sky scrappers for development. A city having ‘n’ number of sky scrappers or ‘n’ number of billionaires isn’t a true measure of development
But don't you think large number of skyscrapers/highrise buildings indicate that the city is attracting heavy investments? Take Shanghai for example. It has highest number of skyscrapers in the world and it's also one of the most developed and modern cities in the world. Skyscrapers are usually made where there is demands for them. They're certainly not a measurement of economic development but can be seen as effects of economic development.
Yes, skyscrapers can be seen as a measure of development, they aren’t alone a measure of true development. True development must be sustainable and inclusive.
For example : Sri Lanka had huge infrastructure projects funded by investments from China. They now defaulted on the debt.
This is Colombo:
We all know what Sri Lanka is going through now.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
In my opinion, we still have a long way to go in HDI, because our basics aren’t solid. Quality school education is still inaccessible to majority. Too many mediocre engineering colleges, too few good universities, no encouragement to research etc.
Even Dubai doesn’t have a functional sewage system yet, btw.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
I wouldn’t call Dubai - a truly developed city-state yet. It runs on massive labor exploitation.
Dubai is a gigantic farce. It looks all flashy, but the reality beneath is far dirtier. As many flashy things are.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
Gurgaon is kind of Indian version of Dubai with all the glitters but no functioning sewage system.
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
This is all nonsense. None of our cities are sustainable. Neither the ones from Kerala nor the ones from MP nor Karnataka. We have to be ashamed of having cities like that and comparing among ourselves. All of us are poor. We should stop this HDI , literacy nonsense and start working towards actually becoming developed like how china has done.
Literacy nonsense and start working towards actually becoming developed like how china has done.
Have you been to various parts of China Or have you met Chinese people and asked their perspective on development?
Just asking.
We are all a connected through internet, aren't we?. I can see videos of their cities on YouTube, can get data of their per capita GDP. China is not yet “developed” as per the definition of IMF or world bank, but they will reach there sooner than we thought. Even the “richest" state of India with all chest thumping HDI and literecy rate has a per capita income comparable to that Syria. Is this what we should call as “development” and go home to have a full night sleep ?
All of our states and cities are poor. We should accept it and work towards it.