Depopulation a surefire formula for national ruin
July 17 ? Japan Today

7 月 17 日 發(fā)表于:今日日本網(wǎng)站

TOKYO-- talk about depressing headlines: "A great prophesy of Japan's demise. The frightening result of depopulation."


First of all, let's look at a paper on population statistics from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare issued on June 3. After noting that 811,604 new infants were born in Japan during 2021, it pointed out that the average number of births per female had dropped for the sixth straight year, to 1.30.
"Twenty years from now, we'll be looking at a shortfall of 2 million care providers for the elderly," predicts professor Masahiro Yamada of Chuo University. "To fill that number would require half of the nation's new graduates every year. Paying costs for care won't be difficult for the wealthy, but for the rest, it won't be feasible. We'll be faced with the choice of either reducing services or relying on foreign labor; but as Japan becomes poorer, I don't know how we'll get foreign workers to come here."
The present situation, of elderly people caring for other elderly, has become a common occurrence, and this can only get worse, frets the writer, so increasing cases of kodokushi (dying alone) can be expected.
On May 7, Tesla CEO Elon Musk -- not exactly a Japan expert -- made headlines with a tweet that read, "At the risk of stating the obvious, unless something changes to cause the birthrate to exceed the death rate, Japan will eventually cease to exist. This would be a great loss for the world."

首先,讓我們看一下厚生勞動省6月3日發(fā)布的人口統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)。在注意到2021年日本有811,604名新生兒出生后,它指出每名女性的平均出生人數(shù)連續(xù)第六年下降至 1.30。
“從現(xiàn)在開始的 20 年后,我們將面臨 200 萬個為老年人提供護(hù)理人員的缺口,”中央大學(xué)的山田雅弘教授預(yù)測。“要填補這個數(shù)字,需要每年全國一半的應(yīng)屆大學(xué)畢業(yè)生。支付護(hù)理費用對富人來說并不難,但對于其余的人來說,這將是難以承受的。我們將面臨選擇要么減少服務(wù),要么依賴外國勞動力;但隨著日本變得更窮,我不知道我們將如何讓外國工人來這里?!?br /> 目前,老人照顧其他老人的情況已經(jīng)司空見慣,而且這種情況只會變得更糟,作者擔(dān)心,因此可以預(yù)期會增加孤獨死(孤身一人去世)的情況。
5 月 7 日,特斯拉的首席執(zhí)行官埃隆·馬斯克(他并不是日本情況的專家)以一條推文登上了頭條,上面寫著:“冒著顯而易見的風(fēng)險,除非有什么改變導(dǎo)致出生率超過死亡率,否則日本最終將不復(fù)存在。這將是世界的巨大損失?!?/b>

Part of the looming problem will be caused by the huge demographic bulge of the postwar baby boomers, born between 1947 to 1949, who are now turning 75 years of age. With the decline in hospital beds, as people in this group begin to die out, 400,000 or more stand to become "refugees with no place to die."
If the present trend continues, by 2040, Japan will have become a "super-aged society," in which the burden of supporting an elderly person will fall on one out of every 1.5 households.
While numerous factors figure in population decline, one of the main causes is clearly shortsighted policies aimed at encouraging families to procreate. According to a survey by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in 2017, Japan's outlays for child rearing relative to GDP were 1.79% -- below the OECD member average of 2.34% and, for example, less than half of the 3.6% spent by France.

迫在眉睫的問題的部分原因?qū)⑹菓?zhàn)后嬰兒潮一代的巨大人口膨脹,他們出生于 1947 年至 1949 年之間,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng) 75 歲了。隨著病床的減少,隨著這一群體的人開始去世,40萬或更多人將成為“無處可去的難民”。
如果按照目前的趨勢繼續(xù)下去,到 2040 年,日本將成為“超高齡社會”,每 1.5 戶家庭中就有一人要承擔(dān)贍養(yǎng)老人的負(fù)擔(dān)。
雖然人口下降的因素很多,但主要原因之一顯然是在鼓勵家庭生育的政策性短視。根據(jù)經(jīng)濟(jì)合作與發(fā)展組織的一項調(diào)查,2017 年,日本的育兒支出占 GDP 的比重為 1.79%,低于經(jīng)合組織成員國 2.34% 的平均水平,例如,還不到法國投入3.6%的一半。

"Take Hungary, for example, which to deal with a decline in births devotes just under 5% of its GDP to families," points out the aforementioned professor Yamada. "School tuition there is free, and home purchases are generously subsidized. In the case a fourth child is born, the family's taxes are permanently exempted.
"For Japan to match European countries in measures to encourage the birth rate, it would need to devote a quarter of its national budget," he added.
What's the main cause of decline in the country's birthrate? As Yamada puts it, "There have only been small, incremental changes in Japan's societal values from its postwar period of high economic growth, when the prevailing view was, 'the husbands went to work, and the wives remained home and did housework.'"
The magazine noted that in the run-up to the July 10 elections, none of the major parties proposed any new changes to their population policies, so whichever party wins will be moot. Japan, clearly, has embarked on a road to ruin.

“以匈牙利為例,為了應(yīng)對出生率下降,該國將 5% 的 GDP 用于家庭,”山田教授指出。“那里的學(xué)費是免費的,買房有慷慨的補貼。如果生了第四個孩子,家庭就可以永遠(yuǎn)免稅?!?br /> 他補充說:“要讓日本在鼓勵出生率的措施上與歐洲國家相媲美,它需要拿出四分之一的國家預(yù)算用于這方面?!?br /> 我國出生率下降的主要原因是什么?正如山田所說,“日本的社會價值觀在戰(zhàn)后經(jīng)濟(jì)高速增長時期只發(fā)生了微小的漸進(jìn)式變化,當(dāng)時流行的觀點是‘丈夫去工作,妻子留在家里做家務(wù)’。 "
該雜志指出,在 7 月 10 日選舉前夕,沒有一個主要政黨提議對其人口政策進(jìn)行任何新的改變,因此無論哪個政黨獲勝都將是沒有實際意義的。顯然,日本已經(jīng)走上了毀滅之路。