H2-NO! Indian minister, 48, drinks dirty water from 'holy' river polluted with sewage to show locals it's safe... before he's rushed to hospital after falling ill

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Mann confidentially bent over to fill his glass before publicly drinking the water taken straight from the river


Bhagwant Mann, chief minister of Punjab was showing off clean river water
Mann bent over and filled a glass of water and drank it in front of supporters
A few days after drinking the glass , Mann complained of severe stomach pains
By DARREN BOYLE FOR MAILONLINEPUBLISHED: 01:52, 23 July 2022 | upxeD: 00:25, 24 July 2022


An Indian minister who drank a glass of dirty water from a 'holy' river to prove to locals it's safe has been hospitalised after falling ill.
Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab, was airlifted to New Delhi after downing the polluted water from the Kali Bein.
Video showing Mann scooping up a glass of water and downing the filthy liquid has since gone viral.

印度一部長為向當?shù)厝俗C明河水是安全衛(wèi)生,當眾喝了一杯 “圣河”臟水,現(xiàn)已生病就醫(yī)住院。

Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab, was beside a holy man when he decided to demonstrate the cleanliness of the river


A couple of days after drinking the water, Mann started to complain of a stomach ache.
He was taken to the Apollo Indraprastha Hospital in Sarita Vihar and was admitted overnight .
Medics said Mann had developed an infection and was treated by a multi-disciplinary team.
According to New Indian Express, as soon as medics completed a range of tests on the minister before he was released from hospital.


A couple of days after drinking the water, Mann started to complain of a stomach ache
