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-------------譯者:獨(dú)孤風(fēng)云---- 審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------

mosquito-free park in the southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu opened to the public on July 30, 2022. To achieve a mozzie-free environment, park authorities installed more than 50 mosquito-hunting machines, which trap the insects by mimicking the levels of carbon dioxide in humans. The park’s landscape design was also adjusted to include fewer trees and flowers that would attract mosquitoes.

2022年7月30日,位于中國(guó)西南部城市成都的無(wú)蚊公園向公眾開(kāi)放。為了實(shí)現(xiàn)沒(méi)有蚊子的環(huán)境,公園安裝了 50 多臺(tái)蚊子狩獵機(jī)器,它們通過(guò)模仿人類體內(nèi)的二氧化碳水平來(lái)捕捉蟲(chóng)子。公園的景觀設(shè)計(jì)也進(jìn)行了調(diào)整,減少了會(huì)吸引蚊子的樹(shù)木和花卉。