Sean Kernan
One of the hardest things I’ve had to accept isn’t that some of my friends are doing nothing with their life, it’s that they are having to live with that decision.
They're much smarter and more talented than I’ve ever been?—?yet they are still stuck in cycles of low paychecks, bad jobs, and a circus of a personal life—with no goal of fixing things.
One of my wake-up calls came about 15 years ago. I was partying and getting drunk all the time and selling myself short.
One day, with deep frustration, my mother told me over the phone, "Some day you are going to wake up and be 40 and wonder what you have to show for it." That line haunted me for months until I finally started turning things around.
I suspect most people have had hurdles they've had to get through. It's all about building momentum towards the goal.
