More than 1m people report long Covid in UK a year after infection
-ONS data comes as NHS England figures show rise in hospital admissions of people with coronavirus


(People outside the Elland Road Leeds Covid vaccination centre in December 2021.)


More than 1 million people in the UK have long Covid at least one year after they were first infected, new figures reveal.

新數(shù)據(jù)顯示,英國(guó)有超過100萬人在首次感染至少一年之后仍患有“新冠長(zhǎng)期影響”(譯注:long Covid,類似于“程度較輕的后遺癥”)。

The data, released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on Thursday, comes as other figures suggest the number of Covid patients admitted to hospital in England is continuing to rise amid a new wave of the virus.


As of 3 September, an estimated 2.3 million people living in private households in the UK – 3.5% of the population – had long Covid, equivalent to one in every 28 people.


About 1.1m of those believe they were first infected with Covid more than a year ago, with a further 514,000 people saying they were first infected at least two years ago.


The figures are based on people self-reporting whether they have experienced ongoing symptoms for more than four weeks after what they think was their first Covid infection. However, the ONS said it was possible some of the 1.1 million people with long Covid symptoms developed them after a subsequent, and hence more recent, Covid infection.


The data also reveals an estimated 342,000 people with long Covid have had their ability to undertake their day-to-day activities limited a lot.


Almost 70% of those with long Covid reported having fatigue, with shortness of breath and muscle aches also common, with women, people aged 35 to 69 years, and those with disabilities among the groups most likely to have long Covid.


Those aged 35 to 69 have reported the highest rates of long Covid, with over 5% of all the people in that age group saying they have been suffering symptoms for more than four weeks and about 4% reporting symptoms for more than three months.


The figures come as data from NHS England, also released on Thursday, reveals hospital admissions for people with Covid is continuing to rise amid concerns over a new wave of the virus. The figures show that the total reported admissions to hospital and diagnoses in hospital hit 7,904 in the week ending 3 October, a 33% rise from the previous seven days.


Of the 8,702 patients with Covid in hospital in acute trusts in England on 4 October, 3,064 were primarily being treated for Covid – about 35%.


Ondine Sherwood, a co-founder of the advocacy group and charity Long Covid SOS, says the number of people now reporting long Covid – 342,000 of whose lives are “severely impacted” as result – illustrates that this is “not just a personal tragedy but a societal, health and workforce problem”.

倡導(dǎo)組織和慈善機(jī)構(gòu)“新冠長(zhǎng)期影響 SOS”的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人奧丁·舍伍德表示,目前報(bào)告出現(xiàn)新冠長(zhǎng)期影響的人數(shù)——34.2萬人的生活因此受到“嚴(yán)重影響”——表明,這“不僅是一個(gè)個(gè)人悲劇,也是一個(gè)社會(huì)、健康和勞動(dòng)力問題”。

Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London and expert on long Covid, described the situation as deeply disappointing, noting that while the number of people with long Covid appeared to dip over the summer, it is now clear there is a definite, ongoing, upwards trend.


While Altmann added that many may get better, he said it was clear that the most recent wave of Covid, involving the BA.5 Omicron sub-variant, had meant people were coming into the long Covid working definition much faster than they are recovering.

雖然奧特曼補(bǔ)充說,許多人可能會(huì)好轉(zhuǎn),但他說,很明顯,最近的一波疫情,包括BA.5 奧密克戎子變種,意味著人們進(jìn)入新冠長(zhǎng)期影響工作定義的速度比他們恢復(fù)的速度快得多。

“This reinforces the message that it’s really foolhardy to imagine we can laugh off a massive, growing BA.5 wave as ‘living with the virus’ and ‘no worse than flu’,” he said. “Long Covid and even long Covid from the 2022 Omicron waves continues to wreck lives in people of all ages. I do wish we could just remind everyone to take this seriously – get boosted, keep indoor meetings well ventilated, wear masks indoors and for travel.”


Altmann added the rising Covid hospital figures bodes ill for the winter, with the NHS already under considerable pressure and a population who have negligible protection against symptomatic infection.


“The booster rollout needs to be faster,” he said, adding another concern is that uptake may be lower among younger eligible people. “There hasn’t been strong messaging around the need for boosters and many may now be thinking it’s a rather optional luxury,” he warned.

他說:“加強(qiáng)針的推廣需要更快?!彼a(bǔ)充說,另一個(gè)擔(dān)憂是,在符合條件的年輕人群中,加強(qiáng)針的接種可能較低。他警告說:“關(guān)于加強(qiáng)針的需求還沒有強(qiáng)烈的信息,許多人現(xiàn)在可能認(rèn)為加強(qiáng)針是一種可有可無的奢侈品?!?br />