A group of five tourists were stuck 200 feet underground in Grand Canyon Caverns on Monday evening, about 24 hours after the elevator they took into the cave on Sunday broke down.


Grand Canyon Caverns, located about 100 miles west of Flagstaff, Arizona, features a small hotel and restaurant 20 floors down where the stranded tourists have been staying while workers try to fix the elevator.


The group is stuck 200 feet below ground in Grand Canyon Caverns. (Fox 10 Phoenix)

這群人被困在地下200英尺的大峽谷洞穴里。(Fox 10 Phoenix)

The Cococino County Sheriff's Office was determining whether they would need to hoist the tourists out through the elevator shaft on Monday.

科科奇諾縣警長辦公室(Cococino County Sheriff’s Office)周一曾考慮是否需要通過電梯井將游客吊出來。

"We have this thing – it's like a lift, and we would basically lift them up the elevator shaft in a harness, something like you see come out of a helicopter in the ocean, something to that effect," Jon Paxton, a spokesperson for the sheriff's office, told Fox News Digital on Monday.

周一,警長辦公室發(fā)言人喬恩·帕克斯頓(Jon Paxton)告訴??怂剐侣剶底诸l道: “我們有這個東西——它就像一個升降機,總的來說我們會用安全帶把他們從電梯井里提起來,就像你看到在海洋上的從直升機里伸出來的東西,類似這樣的效果?!?/b>

The tourists have been staying in a hotel below ground while workers try to fix the elevator. (Fox 10 Phoenix)

在工人們試圖修理電梯時,游客們一直住在地下的一家酒店里。(Fox 10 Phoenix)

(Fox 10 Phoenix)
There are 20 flights of stairs that people can take to get out of the caverns, but the tourists who are stuck have medical conditions preventing them from climbing out, Paxton said.
