The safety and regulation of Tesla in South Korea has been put in the spotlight at a criminal trial involving a deadly crash on December 19, 2020. Choi Woan-jong was behind the wheel of the Model X that smashed into a parking lot, killing the car owner, Yoon Hong-geun. Prosecutors say Choi floored the accelerator, which Choi denies, saying the car accelerated on its own.

在2020年12月19日發(fā)生的一起致命車禍的刑事審判中,特斯拉在韓國的安全和監(jiān)管受到了關(guān)注。崔萬鐘駕駛著這輛Model X撞進(jìn)停車場,導(dǎo)致車主尹宏根死亡。檢方說,崔踩下了油門,但崔否認(rèn),稱車子是自己加速的。