Wes Frank
You are misinformed.
King George III is not portrayed as oppressive and tyrannical in the United States. In most American history texts parliament is described as the source of the taxes and oppression during the crisis leading up to the War of the American Revolution. George is occasionally cursed at as the embodiment of British bullying, but mostly he is treated, as in the musical Hamilton!, as an out of touch aristocratic doofus, not directly in charge of anything, not understanding anything American.
None of this has kept American and British scholars, over the last couple of centuries, from writing books “debunking” this alleged portrayal of King George III as a tyrant. It is a fixation shared by academics on both sides of the Atlantic.


When your role in government is to be the embodiment of the state, your statues get pulled down regardless of how much actual power you had


Addendum: Here is the definition of a tyrant from Merriam Webster:
Tyrant An absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution.
A usurper of sovereignty.
A ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally
One resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power You are not a tyrant just because you are a king and not all kings are tyrants.
The crisis of the 1760s was originally between Parliament and the assemblies of the thirteen Atlantic colonies. Denunciations of Parliament and various ministries were common long before George III came to be identified as the leader of the hardline faction in London. He was denounced as a tyrant by the Continental Congress only after he issued his fateful order of 1775 condemning them to be tried and hung as traitors. Modern American history books note that Parliament was the primary foe of the American resistant movement between 1765 and 1775 and that George III was not writing the laws that were the cause of protests and boycotts.

· 一位不被法律或體制約束的絕對(duì)的統(tǒng)治者
· 一位最高統(tǒng)治權(quán)的篡奪者
· 一位利用絕對(duì)權(quán)力進(jìn)行壓迫或?qū)嵤┍┬械慕y(tǒng)治者
· 一位表現(xiàn)出嚴(yán)酷運(yùn)用權(quán)威或權(quán)力的壓迫性統(tǒng)治者