Four-day week: ‘major breakthrough’ as most UK firms in trial extend changes
-Nearly all companies taking part opt to continue with new pattern as staff report better work-life balance


(David Alatorre (left) and David Mason of Rivelin Robotics, which said it wanted to put wellbeing first.)

(Rivelin Robotics公司的大衛(wèi)·阿拉托雷(左)和大衛(wèi)·梅森表示,他們想把健康放在第一位。)

The vast majority of companies taking part in the world’s largest trial of a four-day week have opted to continue with the new working pattern, in a result hailed as evidence that it could work across the UK economy.


Of the 61 companies that entered the six-month trial, 56 have extended the four-day week, including 18 who have made it permanent.


The findings will be presented to MPs on Tuesday as part of a push urging politicians to give all workers in Britain a 32-hour week.


Joe Ryle, the director of the 4 Day Week Campaign, called the trial a “major breakthrough moment”, adding: “Across a wide variety of sectors, wellbeing has improved dramatically for staff; and business productivity has either been maintained or improved in nearly every case.


“We’re really pleased with the results and hopefully it does show that the time to roll out a four-day week more widely has surely come.”

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

At Sheffield-based Rivelin Robotics, one of the participating firms that plans to continue with the new approach, the chief product officer, David Mason, said he hoped offering a shorter working week would help with future recruitment. “It’s certainly something that makes us a little bit different from the average.”

總部位于謝菲爾德的Rivelin Robotics公司是計(jì)劃繼續(xù)采用新模式的參與公司之一,首席產(chǎn)品官戴維·梅森表示,他希望縮短每周工作時(shí)間有助于未來的招聘?!斑@肯定會(huì)讓我們與平均水平有所不同。”

The UK pilot, which kicked off last June, has been promoted by 4 Day Week Global, a not-for-profit organisation founded in New Zealand, and overseen by the thinktank Autonomy and a team of academics.


Companies taking part were offered workshops and mentoring to help them rethink working practices. Staff were given the opportunity to remain on their existing salary, working across four days instead of five.


Since last summer, staff at Rivelin Robotics have been enjoying a three-day weekend. David Alatorre, its chief technology officer, said: “We wanted to instil a culture in the company of putting wellbeing first, making sure that everybody is rested and has a good work-life balance.”

從去年夏天開始,Rivelin Robotics公司的員工就開始享受為期三天的周末。該公司首席技術(shù)官戴維·阿拉托雷表示:“我們希望在公司內(nèi)灌輸一種把健康放在首位的文化,確保每個(gè)人都得到休息,并保持良好的工作與生活平衡。”

Based in a bright industrial unit close to the River Don, the company makes robots that meticulously finish 3D-printed parts for manufacturers, for industries including aerospace and medicine. In consultation with colleagues, they opted to take Fridays off, and extend the working day to 8am-5.30pm on the other days of the week.


Alatorre and Mason said the change had not been without its challenges. It is a small, fast-growing startup – currently with just eight staff – and sometimes the work will not wait.


“We had a trade show that was a big launch for one of our products and a couple of the major parts were delayed. And we just couldn’t physically start the process until they arrived,” Mason said. “There was no way at that point in time that we could have spread that load.”


He added that while it was “quite common that we’ll be contacted on a Friday” he emphasised that he, Alatorre and the firm’s founder, Robert Bush, tended to take the strain when that happens.


“It’s nice to have the flexibility though, which makes the biggest difference to me personally, that Friday, even though I may end up working some of it, I can be at home, walk the dog, go climbing.”


Alatorre said some staff would prefer five shorter days, rather than four – and the management team are now thinking through how to accommodate different working patterns as the company grows.


In total, about 2,900 employees across the UK have taken part in the pilot. Surveys of staff taken before and after found that 39% said they were less stressed, 40% were sleeping better and 54% said it was easier to balance work and home responsibilities.


The number of sick days taken during the trial fell by about two-thirds and 57% fewer staff left the firms taking part compared with the same period a year earlier.


The vast majority of companies reported that they were satisfied with productivity and business performance over the trial period.


Charity Bank in Tonbridge, Kent, is another participant expecting to continue with the four-day week approach for its 70 employees.


The social lender chose to offer people either a Monday or a Friday off, and the pilot supported them with what the bank’s chief executive, Ed Siegel, calls “a crash course in productivity improvements”.


“I would say that for roughly two-thirds of our team, it’s been fantastic – it’s been amazingly successful. They have successfully transitioned to working four days a week and they love it. It has really moved the dial on the mood, and people are like, ‘Wow, that’s a great organisation I’m working for here.’”


For the others, some of whom are senior staff used to putting in long hours throughout the week, Siegel said the bank was “trying to say to those folks – and by the way, I’m one of those folks – ‘Let’s just be clear, this is your choice. If you want to work four days a week, we want to support you to get there.’”


At the Royal Society of Biology, in London, its 38 employees now take either a Monday or a Friday off, and the working day has been extended from seven hours to eight.

在倫敦的皇家生物學(xué)會(huì), 38名員工現(xiàn)在在周一或周五休息,每天的工作時(shí)間也從7小時(shí)延長到了8小時(shí)。

Its chief executive, Mark Downs, said rethinking the way the organisation does its job had been crucial. “There’s no way that you can reduce your working hours and maintain productivity and not do things differently.”


Downs said sometimes flexibility was needed from staff, to attend essential meetings on their non-working day, for example – but surveys of employees during the pilot had produced a resounding result.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

“I have to say, without exaggerating, it is the most positive response I think I’ve ever had to any staff survey. It was unanimously popular. Everybody was very, very supportive of it.” When he asked the RSB’s stakeholders whether they had noticed any diminution in service, “The answer was, absolutely not.”


The 4 Day Week Campaign has said it would now like to see many more employers take the plunge, and is lobbying the government to encourage change legislating to give staff the right to request a four-day pattern.


Ryle, of the campaign, said: “The economy doesn’t need us to be working five days a week any more. It was 100 years ago, the shift to a five-day week, and the economy’s transformed since then.”

活動(dòng)團(tuán)隊(duì)的賴爾說:“經(jīng)濟(jì)不再需要我們每周工作五天。實(shí)行五天工作制是100年前的事了,自那時(shí)起經(jīng)濟(jì)已經(jīng)發(fā)生了轉(zhuǎn)變?!?br />