Here are poor people in America:


Here are poor people in Britain:


No, the American poor are, by no means, the richest poor in the world.


America is the wealthiest country in the world, in terms of GDP, it’s one of the richest in the world, in terms of average income, and it has more billionaires than any country by far.


But the US also has disturbingly high levels of inequality, and an upsettingly high level of poverty, compared to other wealthy countries (American has twice as many people per capita living on less that $5.50 per day than Canada or the UK, and ten times as many as France or Germany). And we don’t tend to fund as comprehensive social services and social programs for the poor.


The poorest Americans are presumably better off than the poorest people in the DRC, or even India or Brazil.But compared to the the poorest people in Canada, Australia or Western Europe? We probably don’t look so good.


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