Dr. Frazier stood holding the still-living man’s heart in his hands.


With his hands, he softly squeezed the heart over and over again, pumping blood into the man’s body, as he maintained eye contact with the struggling 24-year-old patient.


Their other attempts had failed. There was nothing else the surgeons could do. He was now being kept alive because Dr. Frazier was manually pumping his heart with his hands.


Dr. Frazier, still a resident, was then told by his supervisor to stop, that nothing else could be done. And ultimately Frazier did, and had to watch as the man’s life left his eyes.


This was the beginning of his journey to an unprecedented invention. Frazier wondered if he could manually pump a man’s heart with his hand, why couldn’t he create a replacement that does the same thing?


In the U.S. alone, 5 million people suffer from heart failure. Meanwhile, only 2,000 hearts become available for a heart transplant on a yearly basis.


Great demand lies in the chasm of this scarcity. That demand is marked by desperation.


Frazier’s first invention was a support to the left valve of the heart, which replaced a failing left valve of the heart, giving strength to a weakened heart.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.top-shui.cn 轉載請注明出處

But his next work, alongside very accomplished and bright people, was the creation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) heart. An LVAD heart is artificial:


It has been in the development pipeline for years. It has already been used on cows and has once been used to extend the life of an on-death’s-door patient for an additional five weeks.


This heart could very well be the future of heart transplants, and it may extend your and my life by years when death comes knocking on our door.


But this heart comes with one spooky twist:


It is a continuous-flow heart, which means, despite you being upright, awake, talking, living— you will have no pulse.
