High schools in Indonesia are surrounded by walls or fences with gates monitored by security guards around the clock. The condition was the same when I was still in high school and now to make things worst for the kids who often come late, they add CCTV cameras to monitor who goes in and out so attempting to sneak in when you come late is useless, unless you can make yourself invisible to the security guards and cameras.


In Indonesia, if you are a high school student and you come late one of these will happen to you. No. 3 is mostly likely happening to you.


1.School management won’t let you in. The gate is closed. Don’t be happy because now you have a day off because you are considered to cut class and your parents will be called.


2.School management will let you in but you will be reprimanded first then after that you can go to your class.


3.School management will let you in but … you will be punished first before you can go to your class. If you are a male student, you might be told to do push up not in the teacher’s room but in the school’s yard where everyone can see what happens to you. You can be punished to clean the school’s yard or clean the toilets which is really unpleasant thing to do. Another form of punishment for you if you come late is you stand before the flag post and salute the flag.


I graduated high school about twenty years ago and let me tell you that that arriving late in high school was unpleasant thing and something that I tried to avoid because coming late was punishable and it is now still punishable.


Don’t come late
