South Korean Prime Minister Han Duck-soo has offered to drink the waste water from Japan’s crippled nuclear reactors after it has been treated, challenging opposition lawmakers to bring the water to him for a public display of consumption.
Han made the remarks at the National Assembly on Monday as critics accused President Yoon Suk-yeol’s government of turning a blind eye to Japan’s plan to release contaminated waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean.
“If the waste water is treated in line with the World Health Organization’s potable water standards, I would be willing to drink it,” Han said in response to opposition lawmaker Kim Sung-joo.
Yoon’s ruling People Power Party lawmakers have accused the opposition of fearmongering and exaggerating the health risks from the release, and urged punishments for those spreading rumours.

“如果廢水處理符合世界衛(wèi)生組織的飲用水標(biāo)準(zhǔn),我愿意喝,”韓德洙在回應(yīng)反對黨議員Kim Sung-joo時說。

“Judicial authorities would take proper action against such activities if fishermen and others working in the fisheries industry suffer seriously from rumour mongering,” Han said.
While Han traded barbs with opposition lawmakers, some 2,000 people, mostly fishermen, gathered outside parliament to protest and demand other solutions to the discharge of contaminated waste water, such as long-term storage on land.
They also urged the government to file a lawsuit against Japan with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to stop the discharge.
“The government is standing idly by as Japan is wrapping up preparations to discharge contaminated water into the sea,” said Jun O-chong, head of the nation’s fishermen’s association.

在韓德洙與反對派立法者針鋒相對的同時,大約 2,000 人(主要是漁民)聚集在議會外抗議,并要求采取其他解決方案來排放受污染的廢水,例如在陸地上長期儲存。
“政府正在袖手旁觀,因為日本正在準(zhǔn)備將受污染的水排入大海,”日本漁民協(xié)會會長 Jun O-chong 說。

More than 85 per cent of South Koreans oppose Japan’s plan to release the waste water, according to a survey of 1,000 people last month by local pollster Research View. Seven in 10 respondents said they would consume less seafood if the waste water release went ahead.
“The government is apparently taking up the cudgels for Japan, while seeking to silence fishermen obxting to the planned discharge. But as a Korean saying goes, you can’t hide the sky with your palms. Truth will prevail in the end,” said Lee Ki-sam, a spokesman for a federation of farmers’ associations in South Korea.

根據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)孛褚鉁y驗機(jī)構(gòu) Research View 上個月對 1000 人進(jìn)行的一項調(diào)查,超過 85% 的韓國人反對日本排放廢水的計劃。十分之七的受訪者表示,如果繼續(xù)排放廢水,他們會減少食用海鮮。
“政府顯然是在為日本挺身而出,同時試圖讓反對排放計劃的漁民保持沉默。但是韓國有句俗話,手掌不能遮天。真相最終會占上風(fēng),”韓國農(nóng)民協(xié)會聯(lián)合會發(fā)言人 Lee Ki-sam 說。

The federation plans to send a seven-member team to Japan in a show of solidarity with Japanese fishermen who are planning a June 20 protest in Fukushima, he said.
The discharge issue is one of several that critics accuse the Yoon government of trying to gloss over as it seeks closer ties with Japan and the United States.

他說,該聯(lián)合會計劃派遣一個七人小組前往日本,以聲援計劃于 6 月 20 日在福島舉行抗議活動的日本漁民。

“The government wants to put aside these issues that it sees as hindrances to a tighter alliance with Japan,” said Choi Kyoung-sook, who works with NGOs campaigning against the waste water discharge.
One of Yoon’s key presidential campaign promises was to boost the country’s nuclear power generation by building new plants and authorising the extension of ageing reactors.
Yoon reversed his predecessor Moon Jae-in’s policy of phasing out nuclear reactors in favour of renewable energy, as he vowed to revive and turn the nuclear power industry into a key export sector.
“The government is worried that civil agitations concerning the Fukushima disaster would take the shine off Yoon’s pro-nuclear power policy ahead of the general election next spring,” Choi added.

“政府希望擱置這些問題,認(rèn)為這些問題會阻礙與日本建立更緊密的聯(lián)盟,”與反對廢水排放的非政府組織合作的 Choi Kyoung-sook 說。
“政府擔(dān)心,在明年春天的大選之前,有關(guān)福島災(zāi)難的民間騷動會使尹錫悅支持核電的政策黯然失色,”Choi 補(bǔ)充道。

Ahead of the planned release, some Koreans are stockpiling salt and seafood even as authorities promise to step up monitoring of radioactive substances in salt and other sea products, and to maintain a ban on seafood from Fukushima.
“I worry the release of waste water could not only pollute [the ocean] and lead to health problems but also raise salt and seafood prices,” said 67-year-old Park Young-sil, who was shopping at a market in Seoul.
The 1.3 million tonnes of radioactive waste water at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, currently in tanks, is expected to be discharged into the Pacific Ocean this year, even as Asia-Pacific countries, led by the Pacific Island Forum, have voiced strong opposition to the plans.

“我擔(dān)心廢水的排放不僅會污染 [海洋] 并導(dǎo)致健康問題,還會抬高鹽和海鮮的價格,”在首爾市場購物的 67 歲的 Park Young-sil 說。
盡管以太平洋島國論壇(Pacific Island Forum)為首的亞太國家強(qiáng)烈反對這一計劃,但目前存放在福島第一核電站的130萬噸放射性廢水預(yù)計將于今年排入太平洋。