Irving is a crucial source for much important information on the war and in 2018 I explained why the results of a high-profile lawsuit against Deborah Lipstadt had demonstrated that his historical research was extremely reliable:
These zealous ethnic-activists began a coordinated campaign to pressure Irving’s prestigious publishers into dropping his books, while also disrupting his frequent international speaking tours and even lobbying countries to bar him from entry. They maintained a drumbeat of media vilification, continually blackening his name and his research skills, even going so far as to denounce him as a “Nazi” and a “Hitler-lover,” just as had similarly been done in the case of Prof. Wilson.
That legal battle was certainly a David-and-Goliath affair, with wealthy Jewish movie producers and corporate executives providing a huge war-chest of $13 million to Lipstadt’s side, allowing her to fund a veritable army of 40 researchers and legal experts, captained by one of Britain’s most successful Jewish divorce lawyers. By contrast, Irving, being an impecunious historian, was forced to defend himself without benefit of legal counsel.

歐文是許多關(guān)于戰(zhàn)爭的重要信息的重要來源,2018年,我解釋了為什么針對黛博拉·利普施塔特(Deborah Lipstadt)的高調(diào)訴訟的結(jié)果表明,他的歷史研究非??煽浚?br /> 這些熱心的種族活動(dòng)家開始了一場協(xié)調(diào)一致的運(yùn)動(dòng),迫使歐文的著名出版商放棄他的書,同時(shí)也擾亂了他頻繁的國際巡回演講,甚至游說各國禁止他入境。他們在媒體上大肆誹謗,不斷抹黑他的名聲和他的研究能力,甚至譴責(zé)他是“納粹分子”和“希特勒的支持者”,就像在威爾遜教授身上所做的那樣。

In real life unlike in fable, the Goliaths of this world are almost invariably triumphant, and this case was no exception, with Irving being driven into personal bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of his fine central London home. But seen from the longer perspective of history, I think the victory of his tormentors was a remarkably Pyrrhic one. Although the target of their unleashed hatred was Irving’s alleged “Holocaust denial,” as near as I can tell, that particular topic was almost entirely absent from all of Irving’s dozens of books, and exactly that very silence was what had provoked their spittle-flecked outrage. Therefore, lacking such a clear target, their lavishly-funded corps of researchers and fact-checkers instead spent a year or more apparently performing a line-by-line and footnote-by-footnote review of everything Irving had ever published, seeking to locate every single historical error that could possibly cast him in a bad professional light. With almost limitless money and manpower, they even utilized the process of legal discovery to subpoena and read the thousands of pages in his bound personal diaries and correspondence, thereby hoping to find some evidence of his “wicked thoughts.” Denial, a 2016 Hollywood film co-written by Lipstadt, may provide a reasonable outline of the sequence of events as seen from her perspective.


Yet despite such massive financial and human resources, they apparently came up almost entirely empty, at least if Lipstadt’s triumphalist 2005 book History on Trial may be credited. Across four decades of research and writing, which had produced numerous controversial historical claims of the most astonishing nature, they only managed to find a couple of dozen rather minor alleged errors of fact or interpretation, most of these ambiguous or disputed. And the worst they discovered after reading every page of the many linear meters of Irving’s personal diaries was that he had once composed a short “racially insensitive” ditty for his infant daughter, a trivial item which they naturally then trumpeted as proof that he was a “racist.” Thus, they seemingly admitted that Irving’s enormous corpus of historical texts was perhaps 99.9% accurate.
I think this silence of “the dog that didn’t bark” echoes with thunderclap volume. I’m not aware of any other academic scholar in the entire history of the world who has had all his decades of lifetime work subjected to such painstakingly exhaustive hostile scrutiny. And since Irving apparently passed that test with such flying colors, I think we can regard almost every astonishing claim in all of his books—as recapitulated in his videos—as absolutely accurate.

然而,盡管有如此龐大的財(cái)力和人力資源,他們顯然幾乎一無所獲,至少如果利普施塔特2005年的必勝之作《審判的歷史》(History on Trial)值得稱贊的話。在四十年的研究和寫作中,他們產(chǎn)生了許多具有最驚人性質(zhì)的爭議性歷史主張,但他們只發(fā)現(xiàn)了幾十個(gè)相當(dāng)小的事實(shí)或解釋錯(cuò)誤,其中大多數(shù)都是模棱兩可或有爭議的。

Question 3: The Purge of Antiwar Intellectuals
In the 1940s, there was a purge of antiwar intellectuals and pundits similar to the purge of critics of US policy in social media today. Can you briefly explain what happened, who was targeted, and whether the first amendment should apply in times of national crisis?
Ron Unz—Around 2000, I began a project to digitize the archives of many of our leading publications of the last 150 years and I was astonished to discover that some of our most influential figures from the years prior to World War II had been “disappeared” so completely that I’d never heard of them. This played a major role in my growing suspicions that the standard narrative I’d always accepted was false, and I later described the situation using the analogy of the notorious historical lies of the old Soviet unx:
I sometimes imagined myself a little like an earnest young Soviet researcher of the 1970s who began digging into the musty files of long-forgotten Kremlin archives and made some stunning discoveries.

Ron Unz——2000年左右,我開始了一個(gè)項(xiàng)目,將過去150年來我們許多主要出版物的檔案數(shù)字化,我驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn),二戰(zhàn)前我們一些最有影響力的人物已經(jīng)完全“消失”了,以至于我從未聽說過他們。這讓我越來越懷疑我一直接受的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)敘述是錯(cuò)誤的,后來我用舊蘇聯(lián)臭名昭著的歷史謊言來描述這種情況:

Trotsky was apparently not the notorious Nazi spy and traitor portrayed in all the textbooks, but instead had been the right-hand man of the sainted Lenin himself during the glorious days of the great Bolshevik Revolution, and for some years afterward had remained in the topmost ranks of the Party elite. And who were these other figures—Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov—who also spent those early years at the very top of the hierarchy? In history courses, they had barely rated a few mentions, as minor Capitalist agents who were quickly unmasked and paid for their treachery with their lives. How could the great Lenin, father of the Revolution, have been such an idiot to have surrounded himself almost exclusively with traitors and spies?
But unlike their Stalinist analogs from a couple of years earlier, the American victims who disappeared around 1940 were neither shot nor Gulaged, but merely excluded from the mainstream media that defines our reality, thereby being blotted out from our memory so that future generations gradually forgot that they had ever lived.


A leading example of such a “disappeared” American was journalist John T. Flynn, probably almost unknown today but whose stature had once been enormous. As I wrote last year:
So imagine my surprise at discovering that throughout the 1930s he had been one of the single most influential liberal voices in American society, a writer on economics and politics whose status may have roughly approximated that of Paul Krugman, though with a strong muck-raking tinge. His weekly column in The New Republic allowed him to serve as a lodestar for America’s progressive elites, while his regular appearances in Colliers, an illustrated mass circulation weekly reaching many millions of Americans, provided him a platform comparable to that of an major television personality in the later heyday of network TV.
To some extent, Flynn’s prominence may be obxtively quantified. A few years ago, I happened to mention his name to a well-read and committed liberal born in the 1930s, and she unsurprisingly drew a complete blank, but wondered if he might have been a little like Walter Lippmann, the very famous columnist of that era. When I checked, I saw that across the hundreds of periodicals in my archiving system, there were just 23 articles by Lippmann from the 1930s but fully 489 by Flynn.

記者約翰·T·弗林(John T. Flynn)就是這樣一個(gè)“消失”的美國人的典型例子,他今天可能幾乎不為人知,但他的聲望曾經(jīng)很高。正如我去年寫的那樣:

……因此,想象一下,當(dāng)我發(fā)現(xiàn)在整個(gè)20世紀(jì)30年代,他一直是美國社會中最有影響力的自由主義聲音之一時(shí),我的驚訝之情吧。他是一位經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)和政治學(xué)作家,其地位可能與保羅·克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)大致相當(dāng),盡管他帶有強(qiáng)烈的揭發(fā)丑聞色彩。
他在《新共和》(The New Republic)上的每周專欄使他成為美國進(jìn)步精英的指路明燈,而他在《高力》(Colliers)上的定期露面,為他提供了一個(gè)平臺,可以與后來網(wǎng)絡(luò)電視全盛期的一位主要電視名人相提并論?!陡吡Α肥且环萦胁鍒D的大規(guī)模發(fā)行周刊,擁有數(shù)百萬美國人。
在某種程度上,弗林的突出可能是客觀量化的。幾年前,我碰巧向一位上世紀(jì)30年代出生、博學(xué)多才、堅(jiān)定的自由派人士提起他的名字,不出所料,她的腦海里一片空白,但想知道他是否有點(diǎn)像沃爾特·李普曼(Walter Lippmann),那個(gè)時(shí)代非常著名的專欄作家。

An even stronger American parallel to Taylor was that of historian Harry Elmer Barnes, a figure almost unknown to me, but in his day an academic of great influence and stature:
Imagine my shock at later discovering that Barnes had actually been one of the most frequent early contributors to Foreign Affairs, serving as a primary book reviewer for that venerable publication from its 1922 founding onward, while his stature as one of America’s premier liberal academics was indicated by his scores of appearances in The Nation and The New Republic throughout that decade. Indeed, he is credited with having played a central role in “revising” the history of the First World War so as to remove the cartoonish picture of unspeakable German wickedness left behind as a legacy of the dishonest wartime propaganda produced by the opposing British and American governments. And his professional stature was demonstrated by his thirty-five or more books, many of them influential academic volumes, along with his numerous articles in The American Historical Review, Political Science Quarterly, and other leading journals.

與泰勒相比,美國歷史學(xué)家哈里·埃爾默·巴恩斯(Harry Elmer Barnes)的影響力更大,我?guī)缀醪徽J(rèn)識他,但在他那個(gè)時(shí)代,他是一位極具影響力和聲望的學(xué)者:


A few years ago I happened to mention Barnes to an eminent American academic scholar whose general focus in political science and foreign policy was quite similar, and yet the name meant nothing. By the end of the 1930s, Barnes had become a leading critic of America’s proposed involvement in World War II, and was permanently “disappeared” as a consequence, barred from all mainstream media outlets, while a major newspaper chain was heavily pressured into abruptly terminating his long-running syndicated national column in May 1940.
Many of Barnes’ friends and allies fell in the same ideological purge, which he described in his own writings and which continued after the end of the war:


Over a dozen years after his disappearance from our national media, Barnes managed to publish Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, a lengthy collection of essays by scholars and other experts discussing the circumstances surrounding America’s entrance into World War II, and have it produced and distributed by a small printer in Idaho. His own contribution was a 30,000 word essay entitled “Revisionism and the Historical Blackout” and discussed the tremendous obstacles faced by the dissident thinkers of that period.
The book itself was dedicated to the memory of his friend, historian Charles A. Beard. Since the early years of the 20th century, Beard had ranked as an intellectual figure of the greatest stature and influence, co-founder of The New School in New York and serving terms as president of both The American Historical Association and The American Political Science Association. As a leading supporter of the New Deal economic policies, he was overwhelmingly lauded for his views.

這本書本身就是為了紀(jì)念他的朋友,歷史學(xué)家查爾斯·A·比爾德。自20世紀(jì)初以來,比爾德一直被列為最有聲望和影響力的知識分子,他是紐約新學(xué)派的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人,并擔(dān)任過美國歷史協(xié)會和美國政治科學(xué)協(xié)會的主席。作為“新政”(New Deal)經(jīng)濟(jì)政策的主要支持者,他的觀點(diǎn)受到了壓倒性的贊揚(yáng)。

Yet once he turned against Roosevelt’s bellicose foreign policy, publishers shut their doors to him, and only his personal friendship with the head of the Yale University Press allowed his critical 1948 volume President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941 to even appear in print. Beard’s stellar reputation seems to have begun a rapid decline from that point onward, so that by 1968 historian Richard Hofstadter could write: “Today Beard’s reputation stands like an imposing ruin in the landscape of American historiography. What was once the grandest house in the province is now a ravaged survival”. Indeed, Beard’s once-dominant “economic interpretation of history” might these days almost be dismissed as promoting “dangerous conspiracy theories,” and I suspect few non-historians have even heard of him.
Another major contributor to the Barnes volume was William Henry Chamberlin, who for decades had been ranked among America’s leading foreign policy journalists, with more than 15 books to his credit, most of them widely and favorably reviewed. Yet America’s Second Crusade, his critical 1950 analysis of America’s entry into World War II, failed to find a mainstream publisher, and when it did appear was widely ignored by reviewers.

“今天,比爾德的名聲就像美國史學(xué)界的一片廢墟。這里曾經(jīng)是該省最宏偉的房子,現(xiàn)在卻滿目瘡痍?!?br /> 的確,比爾德曾經(jīng)占主導(dǎo)地位的“歷史的經(jīng)濟(jì)解釋”如今可能幾乎被視為宣揚(yáng)“危險(xiǎn)的陰謀論”而被駁回,而且我懷疑幾乎沒有除歷史學(xué)家之外的人聽說過他。
另一位主要貢獻(xiàn)者是威廉·亨利·張伯倫(William Henry Chamberlin),幾十年來,他一直被列為美國外交政策方面的主要記者之一,出版了超過15本著作,其中大多數(shù)都得到了廣泛好評。然而,他在1950年出版的《美國的第二次十字軍東征》(America’s Second Crusade)——他對美國加入第二次世界大戰(zhàn)的批判性分析——卻未能找到主流出版商,即使出版了,也被評論家們普遍忽視。

Prior to its publication, his byline had regularly run in our most influential national magazines such as The Atlantic Monthly and Harpers. But afterward, his writing was almost entirely confined to small circulation newsletters and periodicals, appealing to narrow conservative or libertarian audiences.
In these days of the Internet, anyone can easily establish a website to publish his views, thus making them immediately available to everyone in the world. Social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter can bring interesting or controversial material to the attention of millions with just a couple of mouse-clicks, completely bypassing the need for the support of establishmentarian intermediaries. It is easy for us to forget just how extremely challenging the dissemination of dissenting ideas remained back in the days of print, paper, and ink, and recognize that an individual purged from his regular outlet might require many years to regain any significant foothold for the distribution of his work.
