BANGKOK — Tucked away from city traffic in an alley full of massage parlors, office buildings and hotels, the place looks like it could be a cocktail bar. Customers can sit in leather armchairs or claim a high stool at the wooden, L-shaped bar. The shelves, though, are absent of alcohol. In lieu of the typical bottles and glassware, there are bongs, rolling papers, grinders and dramatically lit jars of cannabis flowers like Critical Purple Cush and Amnesia Haze, the most popular strain in the shop.

曼谷——在一個充滿按摩院、辦公樓和酒店的巷子里,遠(yuǎn)離城市交通喧囂,這個地方看起來就像一家雞尾酒吧。顧客可以坐在皮質(zhì)扶手椅上,或者在木制的L形吧臺上領(lǐng)一張高腳凳。然而,貨架上并沒有酒。取而代之的是各種煙槍、卷煙紙、碾磨器和引人注目的大麻花罐,裝有如Critical Purple Cush和Amnesia Haze,這些是店內(nèi)最受歡迎的品種。

All The Smoke Lounge is one of the classier places to get high in Bangkok.

All The Smoke Lounge是曼谷最高檔的娛樂大麻場所之一。

Thousands of weed businesses have opened in Thailand since the country removed the plant from its list of banned narcotics on June 9, 2022, becoming the first country in Asia to decriminalize cannabis. In that short time, entrepreneurs such as All The Smoke owner Rithichai “Mai” Chaisingharn have changed the physical landscape of the kingdom exponentially.

自2022年6月9日泰國將大麻從禁止毒品名單中刪除,并成為亞洲首個將大麻合法化的國家以來,泰國已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了數(shù)千家大麻企業(yè)。在這短暫的時間里,像All The Smoke的店主Rithichai “Mai” Chaisingharn這樣的企業(yè)家已經(jīng)以指數(shù)方式改變了這個王國的自然景觀。

“Weed went from being something as sinister as heroin to as innocent as a tomato overnight,” said Chaisingharn, 39, a lifelong cannabis smoker who had fantasized about opening a shop akin to a cigar store.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Now there are swanky bars and dinner cruises in Bangkok, and you can find wooden shacks and beachside lounges on tourist-filled beaches. They’ve become so prolific that “it’s like Starbucks,” said Vanessa Dora Lavorato, 36, an edible maker and TV host who visited Thailand in January. “There’s a pot shop on every corner.”

如今,在曼谷有豪華的酒吧和晚餐游船,而在旅游勝地的海灘上,您可以找到木屋和海灘休息室。它們已經(jīng)變得如此普遍,以至于“就像星巴克一樣,”36歲的食品制造商和電視主持人Vanessa Dora Lavorato在一月份訪問泰國時說?!懊總€角落都有一家大麻商店。”

Travelers can get a 90-minute cannabis-themed massage treatment, complete with a soak in an infused bath, at Anantara resorts, or book half-day tours of cannabis farms. In Bangkok, the cannabis tour company Budler (pronounced like “butler) is getting off the ground, taking customers to dispensaries, cultural sites and places to eat.


It’s a far cry from the country’s previous stance on weed, and where the drug stands in the rest of the region.


“Southeast Asia in general has always been really very strict [on drugs],” said Bangkok-based author Joe Cummings, who wrote the first Lonely Planet guidebook for Thailand.

“總的來說,東南亞一直非常嚴(yán)格[對毒品],”居住在曼谷的作家Joe Cummings說,他曾為泰國撰寫了第一本《孤獨(dú)星球》旅行指南。


Scaling back the ‘war on drugs’


Before Thailand criminalized cannabis in 1935, the plant had been a standard composition of cooking and medicine. Cummings said there was a laissez-faire attitude toward cannabis when he lived in the country in the ’70s and ’80s, even after the country reinforced its narcotics laws in 1979.


“It was common to see it in little restaurants, especially boat noodle restaurants,” he said. “And you could go down to a dock or any kind of pier, and the fishermen would be smoking openly.”


Over time, the government grew more serious about its “war on drugs,” setting fire to millions of dollars’ worth of marijuana on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Weed wasn’t as widely available, but it was easy enough to find in backpacker hot spots or red-light districts. Arrests for recreational use were common and could lead to fines.


But, Cummings said, punishments for possession weren’t as severe as in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Myanmar.


The laws are even lighter today. And after the government removed the plant from its list of banned narcotics, more than 4,200 people incarcerated for alleged marijuana crimes became eligible for release.


Weed’s wide reach


On her latest trip to sleepy Naiyang Beach, less than two miles from Phuket International Airport, Marissa Caluzzi found familiar golden sand, street food carts and whistling pine trees. But something dank was in the air.

在她最近一次前往寧靜的奈揚(yáng)海灘的旅行中,那兒距離普吉國際機(jī)場不到兩英里,Marissa Caluzzi發(fā)現(xiàn)了熟悉的金色沙灘、街頭小吃推車和風(fēng)吹呼嘯的松樹。但空氣中彌漫著大麻氣味。

“You can smell it,” said Caluzzi, 56, who has been coming to Naiyang Beach from Australia for decades. “People sit on their balconies and smoke and just come out on the beach and smoke.”

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Smoking in public is technically illegal, punishable by a public nuisance fine of $780 or a potential three-month sentence. In April, Thailand’s Department of Health warned that enforcement of the rule would become more strict.

原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Cannabis products with over 0.2 percent THC are illegal in Thailand. (Most U.S. states with legalized cannabis don’t have a cap on potency.) Otherwise, anyone can now buy and consume weed if they’re over 20 years old, and not pregnant or breastfeeding. People can even take marijuana on planes for domestic flights.


“I think it is good for tourism,” said Prawit “Wit” Chankasem, 39, who has been a tour guide in Bangkok for 13 years. Weed has become a huge presence not only in tourist areas and big cities, but also in local areas where it is uncommon to see visitors or expats. “I went to some small villages in Thailand and was like, ‘Wow, you have cannabis shops here,’” Chankasem said.

“我認(rèn)為這對旅游業(yè)有好處,”現(xiàn)年39歲的Prawit “Wit” Chankasem說道,他在曼谷擔(dān)任導(dǎo)游已有13年。大麻不僅在旅游區(qū)和大城市中占據(jù)了重要地位,而且在一些很少見到游客或外籍人士的當(dāng)?shù)氐貐^(qū)也非常普遍?!拔胰ミ^泰國的一些小村莊,就像‘哇,你們這里也有大麻店’,”Chankasem說。

Chankasem, like some Thai people, is worried that the wide availability of the drug could put children at risk. That concern is at the center of emerging efforts to reclassify the plant as a narcotic, arguing that recreational use is bad for the country.


“They think I’m selling something that’s killing society,” All The Smoke’s Chaisingharn said of his critics.

“他們認(rèn)為我在銷售殺死社會的東西,”All The Smoke的Chaisingharn對他的批評者如此說道。

Opportunity for agriculture


Cummings said demand for cannabis across the country is so high “that even with hundreds and thousands of acres devoted to cultivation, right now there’s still a shortage,” he said. In the six months since All The Smoke opened, Chaisingharn said, seven more weed shops cropped up nearby.

Cummings稱泰國全國對大麻的需求如此之高,“即使有數(shù)百甚至數(shù)千英畝用于種植,現(xiàn)在仍然存在短缺?!彼f。自All The Smoke開業(yè)以來的六個月里,Chaisingharn說,附近又出現(xiàn)了七家大麻店。

That’s good news for people like Cha “Ice” Na, 33, a new cannabis farmer in Rayong, an eastern province on the Gulf of Thailand. After suffering from a motorbike accident before the pandemic, Na turned to medical marijuana for pain relief. (Thailand has had legalized medical marijuana since 2018.)

這對像Cha “Ice” Na這樣的人來說是個好消息,33歲,他是泰國灣東部省份拉廊的一位新大麻種植者。在疫情爆發(fā)前,Na曾遭遇摩托車事故,并轉(zhuǎn)而使用醫(yī)用大麻緩解疼痛。(泰國自2018年以來已合法化醫(yī)用大麻。)

Once he had recovered from his horrific wounds, Na felt so passionate about marijuana’s capacity to heal that he started growing plants himself. He now has three large rooms and an outdoor farm where he grows Wild Thai, which is considered a rare sativa strain of cannabis. Every month, he drives into Phuket to deliver it to Skushi, a new shop in Old Town that caters to tourists.


Farming cannabis won’t make him rich, particularly as the industry struggles with smuggled imports, but Na says it pays enough to support him, his wife, “Apple,” and their baby. He also thinks it will inspire repeat visits from tourists.


“People come to Thailand to eat good food … see beautiful scenery … relax,” he said. Cannabis enhances that atmosphere. “They’ll come back.”
