More baby boomers are falling into HOMELESSNESS thanks to death of spouse, expensive medical emergency or soaring rents - and many are too frail to climb bunk beds in shelters


The fastest-growing segment of the homeless population is people aged over 65: one called it a 'silver tsunami'
For the first time, the Department of Housing and Urban Development will show what percentage people over 65 make up of the homeless population
Rising rent prices and soaring medical bills forcing seniors from their homes and onto the streets


Baby boomers are finding themselves homeless in ever-increasing numbers, according to a new report, with rising rent prices and soaring medical bills forcing seniors from their homes and onto the streets.
Analysts at the Department of Housing and Urban Development told The Wall Street Journal the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population is people aged over 65.
For the first time this year, the agency will reveal the number people of over 65 in their annual count of the homeless, which is released in late December.


Hot spots for senior homelessness include Miami, Denver and Columbus, Ohio - cities on the cusp of what one called a 'silver tsunami.' Many of those who find themselves homeless can't even use shelters, as they are too frail to climb up onto a top bunk that may be the only bed available to them.
'The fact that we are seeing elderly homelessness is something that we have not seen since the Great Depression,' said Dennis Culhane, a University of Pennsylvania social policy professor.


An increasing number of older people are finding themselves on the streets


Soaring rent is a big factor, and Florida, with its large population of seniors, is one of the hardest-hit states.
Florida does not have rent control laws, and an influx of people during the pandemic pushed up housing costs.
Half of the 20 metro areas analyzed saw the steepest rent increases between January 2020 and June 2023 were in Florida, Zillow data cited by the WSJ showed.

飆升的租金是一個重要因素,佛羅里達州,擁有大量老年人口,是受沖擊最嚴重的州之一。 佛羅里達州沒有租金控制法律,疫情期間的人口涌入推高了住房成本?!度A爾街日報》援引Zillow數(shù)據(jù)顯示,20個分析過的都市地區(qū)中,有一半在2020年1月至2023年6月期間,佛羅里達州的租金上漲幅度最大。

Among those forced from their home in Florida were Barbara Throckmorton, 63, and her partner Duane Edward Winn, 55, who found themselves homeless in Tampa in October 2022.
Throckmorton told the paper her rent check was stolen, and they were evicted.
She was turned away from a homeless shelter because the only free beds were top bunks, which could not be given to anyone over the age of 60 over safety concerns.
She said they slept on the sidewalk for two nights.

在佛羅里達州被迫離開家園的人中,包括63歲的芭芭拉·思洛克莫頓(Barbara Throckmorton)和55歲的杜安·愛德華·溫(Duane Edward Winn),他們于2022年10月在坦帕無家可歸。 思洛克莫頓告訴報紙說,她的房租支票被盜,他們被驅(qū)逐出去。 她被一個無家可歸者收容所拒之門外,因為唯一的空床位是上層鋪位,由于安全原因不能分配給60歲以上的人。 她說他們在人行道上睡了兩個晚上。

'I thought I was going to die,' she said, as she sat by the couple's tent.
Throckmorton told the paper she has received about $900 a month in disability payments since she was in a car accident in the 1990s.
Her partner, who worked as a contractor, is applying for disability payments as he suffers from osteoporosis, and broke five ribs.

她坐在夫婦的帳篷旁邊說:“我以為我快要死了?!?思洛克莫頓告訴報紙,自從她在上世紀90年代發(fā)生車禍以來,每月她收到約900美元的殘疾津貼。 她的伴侶曾擔任承包商,由于患有骨質(zhì)疏松癥并斷了五根肋骨,正在申請殘疾津貼。

The couple were receiving $280 a month in food stamps but didn't have a refrigerator, requiring them to buy nonperishable foods and ice each day.
She thought they would soon be off the streets, but their belongings kept on getting stolen, forcing them to replace them and putting them back to zero.
She remains on the streets.


Analysts say the number of homeless people aged over 65 is soaring, calling it a 'silver tsunami'


Cities such as Miami, Denver and Columbus, Ohio, are seeing a sharp increase in elderly homelessness


Another Florida woman, Judy Schroeder, 71, told the paper she found herself homeless after her apartment building in Naples was sold, and rent increased from $875 to $1,399 a month.
She lost her part-time job at a liquor store and began couch surfing at friends' houses - her husband died from cancer in the 1990s, and they did not have children.
She lived with a friend who was going blind for a stretch, serving as a caregiver and looking after her mentally ill son.

另一名佛羅里達州的婦女朱迪·施羅德(Judy Schroeder),今年71歲,告訴報紙,她在那不勒斯的公寓樓被出售后,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己無家可歸,而租金也從每月875美元上漲到了1,399美元。 她失去了在一家酒類商店的兼職工作,并開始在朋友家里居住——她的丈夫在上世紀90年代死于癌癥,他們沒有孩子。 她與一個正在失明的朋友同住了一段時間,擔任護理者,并照顧她的精神病患兒子。

But when Hurricane Ian hit in September 2022, the home flooded. The woman and her son moved out, but Schroeder stayed, and got pneumonia.
She shuffled through various situations, always searching for a home but frequently being turned down as her income was not enough to meet the base-level requirements.
'It's a full-time job,' she said.
'I was on the phone seven to eight hours a day, calling, calling, calling, calling and then re-calling.'

但是,當2022年9月颶風伊恩襲擊時,她的家被洪水淹沒。這名婦女和她的兒子搬出去了,但施羅德留下來,并患上了肺炎。 她在各種情況中搖擺不定,不斷尋找住所,但由于收入不足以滿足基本要求,她經(jīng)常被拒之門外。 她說:“這是一份全職工作?!?“我每天要打電話七到八個小時,不停地打電話,再打電話?!?/b>

In late August, she finally found a place that accepted her as a resident, in a rural area north of Naples. She said she cried tears of exhaustion and joy when she found out.
She now pays 30 percent of her Social Security income in rent, with the federal Section 8 subsidy covering the rest.
'I'm not moving again,' she said. 'I can't even think of it. I'm going to be here until the good Lord wants me.'

在八月底,她終于找到了一個接受她作為居民的地方,位于那不勒斯以北的一個農(nóng)村地區(qū)。她說當她得知這個消息時,既疲憊又欣喜地流下了眼淚。 現(xiàn)在,她支付社會保障收入的30%作為租金,而聯(lián)邦第8條款的補貼則覆蓋其余部分。 她說:“我不會再搬家了。我甚至無法想象。我會一直呆在這里,直到上帝愿意?!?/b>

Margot Kushel, a University of California, San Francisco researcher, told the paper that many of those over 65 who found themselves homeless felt betrayed by the system, and were frequently forced onto the streets by a catastrophic life event.
'It's an entirely different population,' she said.
'These are people who worked their whole lives. They had typical lives, often working physically demanding jobs, and never made enough to put money away.'

加州大學舊金山分校的研究員瑪戈特·庫舍爾告訴報紙,許多65歲以上的流浪者感到被系統(tǒng)背叛,并經(jīng)常因為災難性的生活事件被迫露宿街頭。 她說:“這是一個完全不同的人群?!?“這些人一輩子都在工作。他們過著普通的生活,通常從事體力勞動工作,卻從未賺夠錢存下來?!?br />