So one of my Indian friends mentioned today that India's BrahMos missile is the world's deadliest missile in service now: not only it could not be stopped by any air defense system in service due to its supersonic speed but it has no similar comparable counterparts in countries like USA and China's inventory.


So, my question what is BrahMos missile, which category it falls to and if my friend's statement is true what makes it so unique that even USA can't make it? I did some quick searches on my phone but almost all the results are from India media, not saying they are not credible, just want to hear some third-party comments on it.

所以,我的問題是:布拉莫斯導彈是什么?它屬于哪一類?如果我朋友的說法是真的,是什么使得它如此獨特,連美國都造不出來? 我用手機快速搜索了一下,但幾乎所有的結果都來自印度媒體,我不是說它們不可信,只是想聽聽第三方的評論。