Alan Wake 2 is a game like no other, as we said in our recent 10/10 review of the game. Part of that is owed to the game's multimedia approach which sees the story blend traditional video game levels and visuals with an array of music and live-action into many scenes in a distinct and novel manner. If you've played the game, you know one of these scenes, in particular, stands out as arguably one of gaming's most memorable and overall best moments of the year, or even perhaps of the past several years.


If you haven't played it yet, be wary of Alan Wake 2 spoilers in this article.


Speaking on the Friends Per Second podcast, hosted in part by GameSpot's very own Lucy James, Remedy creative director Sam Lake revealed that Initiation 4, a dazzling chapter midway through the game that features an elaborate live-action musical during a combat sequence, was nearly removed from the game during development, leading Lake and others to argue in favor of keeping it in.

綠美迪娛樂(Remedy)創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)山姆·萊克(sam Lake)在外媒Gamespot旗下主持人露西·詹姆斯(Lucy James)主持的Friends per second播客中透露,《起源4》是《心靈殺手2》一個(gè)相當(dāng)棒的游戲章節(jié),其特色是將精心設(shè)計(jì)的音樂秀融入到戰(zhàn)斗情節(jié)中,但在開發(fā)過程中,險(xiǎn)些被刪除,在Lake還有其他幾個(gè)人力爭下才得以保留。

"It was really, really hard for a number of reasons to have a musical in this," Lake said on the podcast. "And there were many productions meetings [where people said] 'Come on, we need to cut this.' I was like, 'Absolutely not, we are not cutting it.'"


Lake went on to cite the reasons why it was challenging for some to imagine having in the final version of the game, such as how the live-action elements evolved over time project-wide, and how such a scene could, in theory, be done in different ways, meaning Remedy had to determine how such a scene would even come together, then commit to it even as games can evolve so much over the years they take to come together.


"When you say to someone, 'We're gonna put a musical in a survival-horror game, the question comes to, 'Well, how? What's the gameplay loop there?'" added game director Kyle Rowley during the interview.

“如果你說,'我們要把一部音樂劇放進(jìn)一個(gè)生存恐怖游戲中時(shí),問題就來了,'好吧,那么,那里的游戲玩法循環(huán)是什么?'“游戲總監(jiān)Kyle Rowley在采訪中補(bǔ)充道。

The pair revealed the idea for a musical was Lake's originally, owed in part to the strong reception to Control's Ashtray Maze and the original Alan Wake's concert standoff, both of which used music in exciting and novel ways to drive interactive elements of those games. "I knew that [Alan Wake voice actor Matthew Poretta] is a great singer, so Alan Wake can sing in this," Lake recalled thinking. "And then finding David Harewood, who is wonderful as [Mr. Door], he has a background in singing."

James和Rowley透露,制作音樂劇的想法最初來自Lake,音樂劇部分強(qiáng)烈反映了《控制-煙灰缸迷宮》和初版的《心靈殺手》音樂劇部分的互相較勁,兩者都使用音樂來推動(dòng)這些游戲的互動(dòng)元素,方式新穎,令玩家倍感興奮。“我知道《心靈殺手》配音員馬修·波雷塔(Matthew Poretta)是一位偉大的歌手,那么《心靈殺手》當(dāng)然也該擁有音樂,”萊克回憶道?!叭缓笳业搅舜笮l(wèi)·哈伍德(David Harewood),他有歌手背景,唱歌非常出色。”

Lake went on to talk more about how Poets of the Fall, the real-life Finnish rock band that is featured as the in-universe band, Old Gods of Asgard, helped direct Harewood and Poretta, and how he hoped the choreographer would be merciful in their dance instructions for a novice dancer such as himself. You can listen to the whole episode above, or skip to two hours and 13 minutes into the episode for the start of the discussion about the game's unforgettable musical.

Lake還談到了芬蘭現(xiàn)在的搖滾樂隊(duì)“秋日詩人”(Poets of the Fall),這是一個(gè)以古老的阿斯加德眾神為特色的樂隊(duì),該樂隊(duì)如何給予哈伍德(Harewood,游戲里人物warelin Door的飾演者)和波雷塔(Poretta,配音演員)指導(dǎo),另外Lake也如何希望編舞者能夠有足夠友善,為像他這樣的新手舞者提供耐心的指導(dǎo)。 聽眾可以到播客上面收聽整集內(nèi)容,也可以跳至該集的 2 小時(shí) 13 分鐘,討論游戲里精彩的音樂劇。

Alan Wake 2 is out now on Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and the Epic Games Store.

《心靈殺手2》現(xiàn)已登陸 Xbox Series X|S、PS5 和 Epic Games Store。