GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinians trudging past Israeli tanks and decomposing corpses along a frontline passage out of encircled Gaza City on Thursday said they feared a new "Nakba", the "catastrophe" of their mass dispossession after Israel was founded in 1948.
Thousands of people were moving south along Salah al-Din road out of Gaza City on Thursday, the only exit route for civilians escaping an intensifying siege as Israeli tanks rolled deeper into the Gaza Strip enclave.

加沙(路透社)- 周四,巴勒斯坦人沿著一條前線通道穿過以色列坦克和腐爛的尸體,逃離被圍困的加沙城時,他們表示他們擔心會發(fā)生新的“大浩劫”(Nakba是阿拉伯語中的“災難”),即1948年以色列建國后他們大規(guī)模喪失家園的“浩劫日”。 周四,成千上萬的人沿著薩拉赫·阿爾丁路向南移動,這是加沙城唯一的撤離路線,也是平民逃離日益嚴重的圍困的唯一出口,以色列坦克深入加沙地帶。
原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

"What do things look like behind us? Destruction and death. We left in fear," said a woman who gave her name as Um Hassan. She had just crossed into southern Gaza from the north of the tiny, crowded territory.
"We are the poor Palestinian people whose houses were destroyed," she said, calling it a second Nakba.


The war of 1948, when Palestinians fled or were evicted from their homes, is seared into their collective memory. Many have voiced fears that if forced from their homes now they will, like their ancestors, never be allowed back.
Israel's stated military obxtive is to destroy Hamas, which it says killed 1,400 people and abducted 240 others in an Oct. 7 attack. Health authorities in Hamas-run Gaza say Israeli bombardment has killed more than 10,000 people since then.

1948年的戰(zhàn)爭,當時巴勒斯坦人逃離或被迫離開家園,深深烙印在他們的集體記憶中。許多人擔心,如果現(xiàn)在被迫離開家園,他們會像他們的祖先一樣,永遠不會被允許回去。 以色列聲稱其軍事目標是摧毀哈馬斯,稱哈馬斯在10月7日的一次襲擊中殺害了1400人,并綁架了240人。哈馬斯執(zhí)掌的加沙衛(wèi)生部門稱,自那時以來,以色列的轟炸已經(jīng)造成了1萬多人死亡。

Israeli forces have for weeks told Palestinians to quit northern Gaza for the south, which it is also bombing, saying they would be allowed back home once the conflict ended. Since Wednesday, as fighting has edged further into Gaza City, a large number of people have started moving south. Khaled Abu Issa, from Beach Refugee Camp adjoining Gaza City, said he had left after his neighbourhood was repeatedly pounded by artillery.

以色列軍隊數(shù)周來一直告訴巴勒斯坦人要離開加沙北部前往南部,而他們也在轟炸南部,并表示一旦沖突結束,他們將被允許回家。自周三以來,隨著戰(zhàn)斗向加沙市進一步蔓延,大量人開始向南移動。 來自與加沙市相鄰的海灘難民營的哈立德·阿布·伊薩說,他在他的社區(qū)被炮火連續(xù)轟擊后離開了。

"It was a very hard departure. I was sitting safely at home and Israel came and displaced me again," he said.
Most Palestinians in Gaza are registered as refugees after their ancestors fled their homes within Israel's borders in 1948. Since Oct. 7 more than half the enclave's population has been displaced.

“這是一個非常艱難的離開。我安全地坐在家里,以色列卻來了,再次把我趕走,”他說。 大多數(shù)加沙的巴勒斯坦人在1948年他們的祖先在以色列邊境內(nèi)逃離家園后被登記為難民。自10月7日以來,該地區(qū)超過一半的人口已經(jīng)被迫流離失所。

Several people who made the journey south told Reuters they had seen corpses by the roadside, terrifying adults and children alike. "While walking we saw decomposed bodies. People (who had been travelling in) civilian cars, civilians like us, not military vehicles or Hamas men," said Abu Issa.

一些向南行進的人告訴路透社,他們在路邊看到了尸體,這讓成年人和孩子們都感到恐懼。 阿布·伊薩說:“在行進的過程中,我們看到了腐爛的尸體。那些(乘坐)平民車輛的人,和我們一樣是平民,不是軍用車輛或哈馬斯人?!?/b>

Most fled on foot, carrying what they could. As they passed Israeli tanks at the frontline they raised their arms to show their identity cards. Beyond, in southern Gaza, there are few vehicles that still have fuel and many people have to continue walking until they can find a new place to shelter, they said.
