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Nearby to Harbin is a city called Jilin. In this city, the unique combination of condensation from the river as well as cold temperatures creates a natural phenomenon called 'rimes' (霧凇), trees covered by a majestic, mystical coat of white! I hope to visit Jilin some day. China is so beautiful!
哈爾濱附近有一個叫吉林的城市。在這座城市,河流的冷凝水和低溫的獨特結(jié)合創(chuàng)造了一種被稱為“三聚物”的自然現(xiàn)象(霧凇), 被雄偉神秘的白色外衣覆蓋的樹木!我希望有一天能訪問吉林。中國太美了!

Profile photoProfile photo for taeriterry2308
Just came back from there for 2 weeks vacation. The place is awesome. Despite people still ignoring the sign of "NO SMOKING" even indoors. Overall, it is the best olace to visit.


Profile photoProfile photo for FrozenPureRose
On douyin Chinese tiktok, there is also a trend where Chinese ppl from the southern parts of China with a height below 5'2" are given careful and favored treatment within Harbin, even treatment that locals themselves never experienced, such as Tigers rawring cutely, locals lowering their tones, offering free rides, giving out free warm teas, giving out free hot packs, carpeting slippery stairs, ...etc. Also causing a current shock of discovering agricultural secrets of different parts of China, where locals originally thought were produce/products made from different locations like abroad such as cranberries, caviar, foie gras, ...etc that were secretly made in China. Locals themselves had no idea until different locations started sharing these as presents to other locations within China, making locals feel foreign in their own hometown. It's becoming a I'll spoil you and you'll spoil me back kind of friendship.
