China is not all what we expected and trust me, as a couple of Americans, we certainly had some reservations about trekking through the country without a real plan.


WE’RE JASON AND NIKKI WYNN. A couple of modern-day documentarians, perpetual travelers, and seekers of tall tales.
We’ve been chasing our curiosity around the world on wheels and keels since 2011. Why? Because curiosity is the key to unlocking life. It pushes us outside our comfort zone, softens our assumptions, and helps us embrace the great unknown. The more we let our curiosity lead the way, the more we discover about ourselves and the world around us.

我們是杰森和尼基·溫恩(Jason and Nikki Wynn)。作為一對現(xiàn)代紀(jì)錄片制作者、常旅客和尋求傳奇故事的人,我們從2011年開始通過車輪和船槳追逐好奇心。為什么呢?因?yàn)楹闷嫘氖谴蜷_生活之門的鑰匙。它推動我們走出舒適區(qū),減少假設(shè),并幫助我們擁抱未知世界。我們越是讓好奇心引領(lǐng)前進(jìn),就越能發(fā)現(xiàn)關(guān)于自己和周圍世界的更多。

Our home is also our transportation and we spend weeks away from civilization and sometimes land. Self-reliance and living a sustainable lifestyle are a must. It's all about managing our resources and we’re always looking for new and better ways to do so.
We've lived off the grid for over 10 years now in everything from a Van to RV to a Sailboat. And over time we have learned a lot about renewable energy, creating safe drinking water, and managing our waste.
