Living in Singapore, professional investor13m
I really like her
I heard her singing, her voice was very sweet, she was like a beautiful lark.
Although I can't quite understand some of the Russian songs she sings, I can understand the Chinese songs she sings.


I met her in a Youtbe video about the reconstruction of the Russian Young Pioneers and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Young Pioneers. She sang solo in Red Square, surrounded by a sea of red.She wore a red scarf and a Young Pioneers armband.
I saw many primary school students in China wearing the same armbands. The Chinese call children who get such armbands "three-stripe boys", which means outstanding primary school students.


原創(chuàng)翻譯:龍騰網(wǎng) http://www.top-shui.cn 轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

Unfortunately, I asked many Chinese friends, but no one knew her.
She is a rising star, but her influence is currently limited to Russia, where many Russians are crazy about her and she sings solo on Red Square. She is wearing a red scarf and a Young Pioneers armband. She is really an incredible girl.
I believe that as she grows up and participates in more and more international performances, Chinese audiences will know her sooner or later
Here is a song she filmed herself, "It would be nice if there was no winter". I like it very much.
