How can the British cope living in the UK with the awful weather, the poorly built homes with the ugly wallpapers, the awful food, and the depressing run down cities?
How can the British cope living in the UK with the awful weather, the poorly built homes with the ugly wallpapers, the awful food, and the depressing run down cities?
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We take solace from knowing you don't live here.
Let’s break this down:
Awful weather: There’s more rain in New York City than London, and more snow in New England than any part of the UK. As for the summers, in most States summers are unbearable and air-con is must due to poorly built houses with little insulation, where as in the UK summers are pleasant and houses don’t need air-con, some office blocks do.
Poorly built homes: Many people in the UK live in houses over 100 years old, some houses are more than 400 years - longer than the USA has existed! And they are still standing. Shoddy eh?
Ugly wallpapers: There are many types of wallpaper in the UK - just as in America - and most are not ugly. And most people just paint their walls because wallpaper is no longer fashionable.
Awful food: Have you ever eaten American food? Burgers, pizza, chill-dogs (whatever they are). Even fast food restaurants taste better in the UK than in the USA - for the same franchise! And everything else tastes better than that and is healthier than the what Americans eat.
Depressing run down cities: Ever been to Detroit? No city or town in the UK is as run down as Motor City!
So, what’s it like living in the dump that is the USA, eating unhealthy tasteless food, freezing in the Winters and boiling in the Summers? It must be hell? No wonder many Hollywood stars end up living in the UK. If you had the money, why wouldn’t you?
I was lucky enough to live and study in the UK for 5 years (I am from Chile). My oldest daughter was born in the UK.
I can assure you the weather is great, especially if you are coming from Canada or Minnesota. So it rains every day, it means no air pollution anywhere and beautiful green parks everywhere.
The most amazing thing about the UK is people. They are welcoming, polite, tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, with the right amount of crazy. Plus, they are so funny and are always laughing at themselves, except when attacked by someone from the US apparently.
Also, probably this is something that you do not value at all, but it's filled with culture and arts. Museums (which are all free by the way), plays, music, everything and anything you can think of. I so miss listening to the Messiah at Christmas. They are culturally aware for the most part.
They do not feel the need to be happy every single moment or run chores all the time to fill time.
Despite what they think, NHS is such a good health service. I was hospitalized 3 months because I had a high-risk pregnancy, so believe me when I say I could not believe the care I got.
Finally, they understand there is a world out there. They would never call a sport competition held in the UK between UK teams, the “World Cup” or anything similar.
Lived in the US for a year for my master's, only to miss the UK.
Greetings from Chile to all UK crazy lovely people.
We can change our wallpaper, some of the homes are 100s of years old - that’s pretty good for ‘poorly built’! We have some of the most amazing restaurants in the world, and we don’t need to worry about our chicken being bleached, or leaving out eggs out of the fridge.
The weather and the cities… you’ve got me there
However that’s a small price to pay for the NHS, much less misogyny in our healthcare (which is ACTUAL healthcare, and not a for-profit business!) being able to get treatment for illnesses without fear of going bankrupt, fewer religious nut jobs on the street, being able to walk down the street without being shot at, not being terrified of our police, schools not brainwashing our kids, teachers being able to afford to teach, parents not having to pay for necessities for their kids classroom, and being able to safely send our kids to school and be sure they’re not going to die in a mass school shooting.
I mean, we’re not doing the best job in the world, but at least we’re not the USA.
We sit in our poorly built (brick, not wooden) homes, with the ugly wallpaper, in our depressing run down cities, looking out at the awful weather, and we think to ourselves, at least our awful weather saves us from famine due to endless drought, and, don’t forget, no rain - no beer!
Then we remember. The people in some countries, might not have a home at all, because they have been unfortunate to have been ill, and lost their home to pay for treatment. Possibly from gunshot wounds, from some madman with an assault rifle.
It then makes us feel better when we remember our working conditions with lots of holidays, and if we choose to work abroad, we wont have our Government chasing us for tax. It makes us feel even better when we see the shambles some, supposidly democratic countries call, their “political system”, where the one with the most popular votes, isn’t necessarily the winner, especially when you see some of the leaders it throws up!
So we sit back, enjoy our awful food, sigh, and thank God we don’t live elswhere.
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I should not think the Bristish cope with the UK any differently than Americans cope with the USA.
Poorly built homes? ours dont blow away in a storm like American homes.
Ugly wallpapers? i think you are thinking of France, they love ugly patterned wallpaper. Most British paint their walls in tasteful colours.
Awful food? The English dont chlorinate our chicken, or let the Americans export theirs to the UK. The English dont wash their eggs, making their storage short term. Oh, have you ever eaten an English beef dinner, or maybe a tasty curry?
Depressing run down cities? I am thinking of cities like Detroit which looks more like a Beirut slum, and Trailer Parks where even the Americans call the occupants “Trailer Trash”.
You really are living in a fantasy world.
How can the Americans (as I presume the questioner is, because only they ask such stupid questions) stand to live in the US with their psychotic, fascist ex-president and his messed up racist cultists trying to get him back into office. Or the current president who possibly has Alzheimer's. Or the beef that is unsellable in any other country because if the amount of crap you inject into it? Or the general intolerance of the masses? Or the religious nutters who seem to have a huge hand in how the country is run? Or the daily school shootings? The insane amount of racism? The lack of Maternity leave for new mothers? The lack of healthcare? Etc etc etc.
Frankly, I'll take my poorly built home, that is actually a new build and is really vary spacious and nice. And my ugly wallpaper… oh wait, that's just plain white and clean looking. Lessee… awful food… no, I quite enjoy it. At least the beef is edible. The weather? No… yeah it rains a lot, but that's why we are such a green and pleasant land and out major cities aren't on fire. And depressing and run down cities… ok, well some of them are older than the US itself so yeah, there will be some delapidation and some of the towns are a bit grim…. But we don't have a Skid Row at least!
The absolute ignorance Americans show about anything outside their shores hasn't improved since my big sister married an American airman and emigrated to the USA in 1961. Someone asked her ‘do you have electricity in England?’ to which she replied ‘yes, actually our mud hut was wired up last week!’ The sad part was that the American believed her!
We are British? We can cope with anything and we love misery. Misery is our favourite. Picture the scene. You've walked 20 miles, it's pitch black, freezing cold, the wind is knocking you sideways, the chip shop is closed and its just started to rain. Absolutely brilliant, this is what we live for.
6 cities in the US
Chel Wright
Wallpaper?!!! I don't have any walls papered.
It was nice and sunny when I woke up this morning. It was quite warm so opened the windows to let fresh air in. Not bad for mid September!!!
Awful food?! Well if you can't cook that's hardly our fucking problem!!!
It's very easy it is now the middle of September the weather has been warm today and has been all week. The neares town dates back to the middle ages, my house is nearly 200 years old and will still be here in 200 years time. Your mainly timber frxd houses will last around 30 years if you are lucky. I have been to New York twice and Chicago once, and you say that we have run down cities ? At least I'm unlikely to get shot which is more than I can say for most Americans.