Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorApr 11
is a modern place name, the name means "three mounds"
The place where the ruins were found was a wasteland with three mounds, so the locals called it "Sanxingdui"
name is obviously a modern one, so there cannot be "Sanxingdui" in the historical records of xia, Shang and Zhou. This should be easy to understand
Sanxingdui Ruins is an ancient site. In this site, there are traces of human activities for a long time. In fact, the lowest layer of ruins belongs to the Neolithic Age, dating back 5,000 years ago, while the largest layer of ruins dates back to about 3,500 years ago. Belongs to the same period as the Shang Dynasty.


Left: Bronze kettle from the Shang Dynasty
Right: Bronze kettle from Sanxingdui


It is clear that this is an ancient tribe, having existed for more than a thousand years in total. At the end of his civilization, he had close ties with the Shang dynasty in the east.
Among the cultural relics unearthed at Sanxingdui, in addition to the unique bronze masks and bronze sacred trees, there are many cultural relics very similar to those of the Shang Dynasty, and there are also some similar cultural relics to other southern civilizations at that time. Therefore, Sanxingdui was not an independent civilization. It had close ties with other civilizations on mainland China at that time.
Since no writing was found at the Sanxingdui site, archaeologists are unable to determine his real name, so the "Sanxingdui site" is currently named after the place where it was found.
However, judging from its geographical location, time and cultural relic characteristics, it is very likely that the Sanxingdui civilization was recorded in the oracle bone inscxtions of the Shang Dynasty: Shu Kingdom
In the oracle bones library of the Shang Dynasty, Shu is recorded as one of its many servant states. When the Shang Dynasty collapsed, Shu joined the camp against him, and his army joined the Zhou Dynasty in overthrowing the Shang Dynasty.
Of course, there are many unreasonable phenomena in the distribution of cultural relics in Sanxingdui. Historians have other theories.


Left: Jade cong from Sanxingdui Civilization
Right: Jade cong from the Liangzhu Civilization in the south


For example, some historians have discovered that although the remains of human life at the Sanxingdui site are very ancient, they are very crude. No huge palaces, mausoleums, or city ruins were discovered. All traces and evidence of human activities prove that this place seems to be just a small tribe.
But in this simple ruins, several huge sacrificial pits were discovered, filled with massive amounts of bronze, jade and ivory. These things are obviously not something that can be made in this simple tribal ruins.
According to the general principles of human civilization, when you find a large number of bronzes, irons, or pottery in an ancient site, you will have a high probability of discovering the places, materials, and waste where these things were made. But Sanxingdui found none of this.
All high-end human creations seemed to have fallen from the sky and been buried there.
Therefore, an additional guess also exists. A Chinese history professor told me about another guess:


Left: Jade sacrificial obxts from the Sanxingdui Civilization
Right: Sacrificial obxts from the Erlitou Civilization
Erlitou is considered to be a city ruins from the xia Dynasty


Sanxingdui is just a backward tribe, and a large number of high-level cultural relics found in Sanxingdui actually come from another more advanced civilization: xia
Yes, xia was the first dynasty in Chinese history. According to Chinese historical records, xia was founded in 2040 BC. After xia was defeated by Shang, its royal family was not wiped out. The Shang Dynasty allowed the xia royal family to continue to exist as common people, and they migrated to other places. But where they went, history has no record.
There is such a hypothesis that after xia's defeat, its royal family migrated with a large number of royal sacrificial supplies, and finally came to the tribe where Sanxingdui was located, and settled down again here. In order to prevent their massive wealth from being coveted by their enemies, they buried all these things underground, hoping that they would have the opportunity to regain their country in the future.
However, they never opened this treasure again until 3,500 years later.


Left: Pottery from the Sanxingdui Civilization
Right: Pottery from the Erlitou Civilization


This explanation involves a lot of speculation and storytelling
But it can explain many unreasonable phenomena in Sanxingdui
1. Why are there so many high-level cultural relics?
As a defeated royal family, it is normal to transfer many of the dynasty's wealth and sacrificial supplies. This may also explain why among all the artifacts, there are very few weapons. Because they don't have much of an army.
2. Why is the Sanxingdui ruins so small?
This place was not originally the capital of the country, but a backward tribe. The nobles moved here to live, and naturally they could not recreate the glory of the imperial capital.
3. Why is there a big gap between the civilization level of the ruins and the civilization level of the cultural relics in the sacrificial pits?
Because all high-level cultural relics are foreign
4. Why are there many cultural relics similar to those of the Shang Dynasty and southern countries?
Because the xia Dynasty was once the center of civilization, it was normal to receive gifts from surrounding countries.
5. Why are their bronze masks and sacred trees so different from those of the Shang Dynasty?
The xia Dynasty itself is another civilization, older than the Shang Dynasty, and it is normal to have a unique style.
6. Why is the Jinsha ruins, dozens of kilometers south of Sanxingdui, considered to be the destination for the second migration of Sanxingdui people? It is later than Sanxingdui, but there are not so many high-level cultural relics.
The nobles buried all the dynasty's treasures and became a group of desolate common people. By the time their descendants migrated to the Jinsha ruins, they had lost the ability to make these things again.

2、三星堆遺址為什么這么?。?br /> 這里原本并不是國家的首都,而是一個落后的部族,貴族們遷到這里居住,自然無法重現(xiàn)帝都的輝煌。
因?yàn)樗懈呒壩奈锒际峭鈦淼?br /> 4、為什么有很多與商朝及南方國家相似的文物?

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