@Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorApr 19
China and India are so similar.
Therefore, the comparison between China and India is a topic of interest to all scholars around the world: when most conditions of the two obxts are the same, it is easy to compare and study a few differences and draw valid conclusions.
I made a list to compare the similarities between China and India:
1. History
Both countries are famous ancient civilizations with long history and splendid culture.
2. Religion
Both countries are countries where multiple religions coexist, and Chinese Buddhism even first came from India.
3. Population
Both countries have huge populations and face various demographic and racial issues.
4. Land
Both have vast land. Although China’s territory is larger than India’s, its habitable area is actually close to India’s.
5. Resources
Both countries have some natural resources, but neither is particularly rich in energy, minerals, etc.
6. Economic foundation
Both countries are poor developing countries, and their economic levels were almost the same when they started.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the GDP and per capita income of the two countries were almost the same. Both countries are facing serious problems such as economic development, environmental pressure, uneven development, and the gap between rich and poor.
7. Colonial history
Both China and India have experienced painful colonial times. India was once completely colonized by the British, while China was carved up by many countries and experienced a "century of national humiliation."
8. Political independence
China and India are both relatively politically independent countries. They have all vacillated between the Eastern and Western blocs, never really belonging to one camp or another.
This makes that among the 200 countries in the world, no country except China has so many similarities with India. At present, China is further ahead than India on the track of national development. So, it is natural that Indians like to compare with China, because all players like to stare at the person in front of them.
You think USA has quality education?
I know Chinese think Com...ism is better than every other system. But prior to this decade, China did not have a good anything. Every system has its high and a low - like a normal distribution curve. Ancient China, Ancient India, Ancient Egypt, Britain, USA and now China. Every single one of them, at their peak, thought they have the best system. And then every single one crumbled.

2. 宗教
3. 人口
4. 土地
5. 資源
7. 殖民歷史
8. 政治獨立