China's EV giant, BYD, makes more electric vehicles than any of its competitors and sells them for as low as $10,000. The cars are not yet sold in the U.S., where hurdles include a 25% import tariff. Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers are concerned that smart car technology could be used to spy on American drivers. NBC News' Janis Mackey Frayer reports.

中國電動(dòng)汽車巨頭比亞迪以其卓越的生產(chǎn)能力,制造了比任何競爭對手都多的電動(dòng)汽車,并以驚人的低價(jià)——僅需1萬美元——提供給消費(fèi)者。然而,這一令人矚目的成就并未能迅速拓展至美國市場,主要障礙便是高達(dá)25%的進(jìn)口關(guān)稅。此外,美國立法者對于智能汽車技術(shù)可能引發(fā)的隱私泄露問題表示擔(dān)憂,他們擔(dān)心這些技術(shù)可能被用于窺探美國司機(jī)的日常行蹤。NBC新聞的Janis Mackey Frayer將為我們帶來這一話題的深入報(bào)道。

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