The Nobel Prizes are international prizes established in 1901 in accordance with the will of Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel to honor individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace (and, since 1969, economics), among others. Awarded annually, the Nobel Prize is considered one of the most prestigious prizes in the world.
To win a Nobel Prize, there are usually several steps and conditions that need to be met:

諾貝爾獎是根據(jù)瑞典化學(xué)家阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾(Alfred Nobel)的遺愿于1901年設(shè)立的國際獎項,用于表彰在物理學(xué)、化學(xué)、生理學(xué)或醫(yī)學(xué)、文學(xué)、和平(自1969年起還增加了經(jīng)濟學(xué))等領(lǐng)域中做出杰出貢獻的人士或組織。每年頒發(fā)一次,諾貝爾獎被認為是全球最具聲望的獎項之一。

Outstanding contributions:
Physics, chemistry, physiology, or medicine: These are scientific fields in which groundbreaking, groundbreaking, or extremely important research is required.
Literature: requires excellence in literary creation, such as novels, poems, plays, etc., usually works that have a profound impact on human culture.
Peace: The need to make a significant contribution to promoting world peace, perhaps through diplomacy, human rights work, conflict resolution, or other related efforts.
Economics (Prize established by the Swedish National Bank in memory of Alfred Nobel) : for important innovations and contributions in economic theory, practice or application.


Candidates for the Nobel Prize must be nominated by an authorized person or organization. These nominees are often experts in their fields, university professors, past laureates, members of Congress and members of specific international organizations, among others.
The nomination process is strictly confidential and the list of nominees is not made public until 50 years before the awards are presented.


The nominated candidates are reviewed by the Nobel Committees in each field. These committees are made up of experts in the relevant fields who conduct in-depth reviews and discussions of the candidates' contributions.
The committee ultimately recommends the winner to the awarding body (e.g., the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, etc.).


Announcements and awards:
Every year in October, the winners of the Nobel Prize are announced. The award ceremonies are usually held in Stockholm, Sweden, and Oslo, Norway, on December 10 (the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death).
Winning the Nobel Prize requires not only extraordinary contributions in a certain field, but also wide recognition and nomination by peers and society. This process requires both excellent professional ability and long-term persistence and accumulation.


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